Strive to redeem your image, Ex Imo deputy governor urges INEC

Former Deputy Governor of Imo State, Hon. Jude Agbaso PHOTO: Collins Osuji

Former Deputy Governor of Imo State, Hon. Jude Agbaso, has urged the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, to keep to the promise made to Nigerians for a free, fair, and credible election.

He said, “Today’s governorship and state assembly elections provided the INEC with a golden opportunity to redeem its image by correcting the lapses experienced in the previous presidential and national assembly poll.”

Agbaso, who spoke to the Guardian shortly after casting his vote at polling unit 005 in Emekukwu community in Owerri North Council Area of the state, said the Commission has the task of restoring Nigerian’s confidence in the electoral process of the country.

According to him, “INEC knows that the acceptability of outcomes of today’s exercise would help to restore Nigerian’s confidence in them as well as deepen democracy and unity in Nigeria. So they should strive to live to expectations of the people.”

He expressed satisfaction, however, with the level of turnout of the electorate, the functionality of the BVAS and the smooth conduct of the exercise in his area.

He said, “from what I have observed and from the information is that available to me, there is a fair turnout of voters and complaints reduced compared to the presidential election.

“Also BVAS are working well, no violence, just regular voting. So there is hope that at the end, people’s votes would be counted and people’s choices elected.”


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