Ngozi Gives 5 Things You Should Think Of Before You Get A Tattoo In Nigeria

Ngozi is a very down-to-earth and idealistic lady and I love watching her talk. Her expressions are classy, she looks like that big sister you don’t want to act stupid around. We all need one of those to keep us in check.

Today she gives 5 reasons why you should not get a tattoo in Nigeria and she gave really candid points. You have to tick all the points she gives and if you have a four out of five, then by all means, head to the the tattoo parlor.

I actually had an acquaintance back in university who had a tattoo of a man on her arm and when I asked, she said it was Jesus. No it wasn’t it looked like a stick drawing of a face. She later admitted that she thought she could handle the pain but couldn’t and had to stop. I hear she finished the face and I disagree that the face on her arm is Jesus, maybe a Johnny Depp wanna be.

Watch Ngozi give 5 things you should think of before you get a tattoo, especially in Nigeria. You might learn a thing or two.


