Niger gov’s wife promises expectant mothers free delivery kits

Pregnant woman . Photo/nuturemamas

Wife of Niger State Governor, Fatima Bago, has assured that every pregnant woman that gives birth in the primary and secondary healthcare facility of the state will be given delivery kits.

She gave the assurance during the flag-off of the National Immunisation Plus Days (NIPD), distribution of Mama Kits and other medical kits, as well as motorcycles to the medical personnel across the 25 local councils of the state.

The governor’s wife explained that the Mama Kits were a personal initiative from her office to support pregnant women during delivery.

According to her, delivery kits will be distributed to all primary and secondary health centres across the 25 local councils, assuring that the distribution would be sustained.

She observed that the intervention would attract pregnant women to be delivered in the hospital and lead to hence reduction in maternal and infant mortality.

She lauded the Ministry of Primary Healthcare and development partners for their commitment to addressing some of the critical issues bedevilling healthcare as it affects women and children.

Earlier, the Commissioner of Primary Healthcare, Dr Ibrahim Dangana, had disclosed that the ministry had been able to reach out to children for immunisation across the 274 wards of the state.


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