Nigeria is like a ship that has lost its compass, Inuwa Warns

Lekki massacre must not kill our fighting spirit, TNNC tells Nigerians
The New Nigeria Coalition (TNNC) has urged Nigerians not to be dissuaded by the massacre at Lekki tollgate last year in the fight to actualise a new Nigeria and encourage visionary leaders.

Interim National Coordinator of the group, Ishaya Inuwa, in an online press conference yesterday, warned that the country could not continue to do the same thing every time and expect a different result.

In his words, “the people who are discontented about the way Nigeria is going as a nation, knowing that we are blessed as a nation. We are at a phase where people are scared either by reason of the apparent ethnic or religious divide and security challenges.

“Insurgency is increasing in the north-west, communities being destroyed by bandits in the middle bet and north-central and other parts of the country, our roads are unsafe, we fear not arriving at our destinations because of kidnapping and armed robbery on the road, and not only that, our roads are also unsafe because of insecurity and bedevilled by portholes.

He added, “our curriculum is obsolete and our children can’t go to school because of the strike; there is distrust between the citizens and the government and this has caused multifaceted challenges that we are faced with as a nation today so, the question is, ‘should we fold our hands and continue to watch all of these things go unabated or is there something we can do? We believe there is something we can do. We are people that are hopeful and believe that hope is stronger than fear. Nigerians are tired of the status quo and want to see the new Nigeria born.

The Jos based coordinator said, “we are not fighting the government, we are not advocating for violence, we are just calling on everyone that we must come together and begin a conversation, start educating the citizens and canvass on what must be done to see a new Nigeria.
We also believe that there are people in government that are desiring to see Nigeria work but they are also victims of the system, so they are being shortsighted by the system, but we are ready to bring them in, we want to talk to people of like mind to join the coalition. People must know they are doing it for posterity and not for themselves.

He added, “the task of birthing a new Nigeria cannot be done by one person but through a collective effort of people with a common interest.
“The name ‘New Nigeria preceded End SARS. It became a household name after Nigeria’s 2019 election, many people started clamouring for a new Nigeria but after the End SARS protest, we came together and started the movement to harness the gain of the End SARS protest.

The End SARS protesters are advocates of a new Nigeria, advocate of good governance and we decided that it should not be the end.

“The sad event that happened at the Lekki tollgate, the shooting of peaceful protesters must not kill our spirits, it should be the beginning of a new thing, we must immortalize the names of the people so, that’s the reason we came up with the vision of birthing a new Nigeria. What happened in Lekki is uncalled for, it’s insensitive on the part of the government and the government must take responsibility for that. It is a big blow for a nation to kill her citizens even when they held the national flag and singing the national anthem, but we need to go beyond that and begin a conversation that will ensure the emergence of a new Nigeria because we cannot continue to go the way we are going otherwise the nation will sink; Nigeria is like a ship on the sea that has lost its compass and being tossed around.

“We have enough resources that could go to everyone in Nigeria, we don’t need to have people begging by the roadside, people not going to school, hospitals that are not working, we don’t have to be exporting the best of our brains to develop other nations. So, it’s either we advocate for a new Nigeria and actualize that or we sit back in our homes and fold our hands.


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