Nigeria owes a great debt to Shonekan, says Buhari in tribute

President Muhammadu Buhari said he received the news of the death of a great statesman and former Head of the Interim National Government, Chief Ernest Shonekan with profound sadness.

The President also extended condolences to Chief Shonekan’s wife, Margaret, loved ones, as well as the government and people of Ogun State.

Buhari described Shonekan as an internationally-respected statesman, who with courageous wisdom, left his flourishing business career to become the Head of Government, at a delicate time when the country needed someone of his calm mien and pedigree to save the ship of state from sinking.

The President noted that Chief Shonekan demonstrated to all that the love for the country and commitment to her development, peace, and unity transcends the trappings of office and the transient nature of political power.

Buhari said that Nigeria owes a great debt to Chief Shonekan, the peacemaker, who even at the twilight of his life never stopped believing and working for a prosperous and democratic country.

He prayed that the memory of the departed Head of Government will remain a blessing to Nigeria even as he finds perfect peace with Almighty God.


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