Nigeria unveils 2,200 marshals to secure mining sites

Dele Alake unveils 2,200-strong Mines Marshal to secure mining sites across Nigeria
Dele Alake unveils 2,200-strong Mines Marshal to secure mining sites across Nigeria

The Nigerian Government on Thursday unveiled a 2,200 Mines Marshal to secure mining sites across the country, combat illegal mining, and ensure compliance with mining laws.

Minister of Solid Minerals, Dele Alake, who unveiled the Mines Marshal, said it is in fulfillment of a major plank of his seven-point agenda to create a new security architecture to secure mining sites.

Alake said the Mines Marshal who has been tasked to smoke out illegal miners and all those who flout Nigeria’s mining laws will operate under the Ministry of Solid Minerals Development, with initial deployment in each of the 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja.

“I formally received the marshals drawn from the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) and charged them to stem theft and all nefarious activities around our mineral resources to ensure we reap maximum benefits from our God-given resources,” said Alake in a statement on his X handle.

He said the Mines Marshal, as part of the new security architecture, will have their command and control domiciled in the Ministry of Solid Minerals Development (MSMD), with an initial 60 operatives deployed in each state and the FCT.

Alake commended the Minister of Interior, Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo, for working with his ministry to launch the first batch of the mining security apparatus.

“The Mines Marshal, an inter-agency security outfit, will also include special operatives from other security agencies and will operate with a focus on technological advancements,” added the Minister of Solid Minerals.


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