‘Nigeria Will Not Disintegrate In 2015’


Primate Elijah Babatunde Ayodele, the General Overseer of INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church, Lagos spoke with DEBO OLADIMEJI on his predictions concerning the 2015 elections and sundry issues. 

WHAT is your take on the next general elections? Do you foresee any crisis?

The election will be peaceful in some areas. There are some areas where there will be no elections. The only thing we can do now is to be prayerful for God to intervene. Jonathan would have conducted a free and fair election if he is not contesting. But there is something that God wants to prove out of this. A lot of people will be disappointed because of the surprises that will happen.

Is there going to be a landslide victory?

 The People’s Democratic Party (PDP) will lose some states. The All Progressive Congress (APC) will lose some states. There will be political tension in Bayelsa, Rivers, Abia, Ebonyi, Lagos, Kaduna, Ondo, Taraba, Nasarawa, Adamawa and Gombe. The only saving grace is for all Nigerians to listen so that we can avert the impeding doom ahead of the nation. The ship of the country is at the middle of the ocean; we should not allow it to sink. I tell you, at the end of the day, PDP will still win the Presidential election. I see internal crisis in APC. It will be part of the things that will affect their possibility of winning the election. The election will be very tough. There will be no landslide victory. Jonathan will be declared as president. We have to be very prayerful because I see kidnapping taking another dimension. Some politicians will be kidnapped. Some will be killed. Some will even be arrested before the election. These are some of the surprises that we will see. Let us pray that no member of Board of Trustee (BoT) of  APC or PDP will die. And there will be a lot of crisis between PDP and APC. 

Do you think that Nigeria will survive beyond 2015?

 Nigeria will not disintegrate in 2015. That American prophecy will not work. Let us pray against violence before the election and violence after declaring the winner of presidential election. Let us pray well so that this violence will not truncate the governorship election. 

Will the economy be better this year? 

I have not seen stability in the economy. Some of our oil will dry up. We should be watchful that they should not sell any of the refineries. Some of our pipelines will break down. Then we should pray so that all the refineries will be working effectively. But the government is going to build new refineries.

 Government should not lease our refineries for money. Nigeria will run into debts. I have seen nothing in our foreign reserve. As a matter of fact, I have not seen much in the area of  employment. The economy needs a lot of prayers.

 And also there will be internal crisis in Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and the CBN will introduce different policies and also the Federal Ministry of Finance. I have not seen any of those policies leading to a buoyant economy. I see hunger in the land unless the government put the right structures in place. That is the only way we can move ahead.

 The price of flour will go up. There will be scarcity of flour. There is still going to be scarcity of petroleum during the year. I don’t know the particular time of the year. We must be careful so that we are not going to experience any pipeline explosion. Cassava will be very expensive in the year. 

Will there be security in the land?

 I see the armed forces, police trying their possible best to bring security in the land. They have to work on illegal borders where government has not been taking serious. That is where the major problem lies. The terrorists will like to smuggle ammunitions into the country. The government must pay the security agents very well. If you don’t pay them very well, they will not be able to combat terrorism. We have four terrorists groups in Nigeria. Al Qaeda is in Nigeria, ISIS is in Nigeria. Terrorists from Mali, Libya are also in Nigeria apart from Boko Haram.

 We are still going to face terrorist attack. Actually, they will kill most of the terrorists. The more they are killed the more they will be reinforcing because people sponsoring them are in government of both Nigeria and outside. Also, some politicians and military are agents of terrorism. Actually I see there is going to be some changes of some service chiefs. 

Some countries will want to work against Jonathan. They will want to indict his government; he must be very watchful about this. Britain, America, France, they cannot give Nigeria enough support we need to fight terrorism. Instead, Nigeria should seek support from Germany and Israel. Those are the people that can help them. . Fulani Hausa crisis will be a serious thing and of course, the herdsmen will kill some people. There will be some killings in some states. 

Will the Chibok girls be released?

 Some will be released in 2015. Some key heads of Boko Haram will be arrested. 

Do you think the solders who commit mutiny should be killed?  

Mutiny is not yet over in the military. I want to beg the President, there is too much of blood in the land. He should use his good offices to pardon the 52 military men that they wanted to kill. They should give them another punishment instead of shedding their blood.  This is a spiritual warning to him. He should not overlook it. He should ensure that as the President of the nation that they should not kill them. If he kills them it is going to affect this country. Tafawa Balewa’s blood is still there, Abiola’s blood is still there and so on and so forth. He should not allow them to be killed. 

What about the educational sector?

 We have to be very prayerful too because cultism will be rampant and some vice chancellors will be removed, some universities will be shut down. ASUU will want to go on strike because of disagreement with the government. 

What will happen in the health sector? 

Government will do something like a very big hospital where they will be doing operations. Maybe cardiology or whatever. Very big hospital that instead of going out of the country to go and do operation, you will now stay here to do the operation. We have to pray about Ebola disease.  It is not yet over. It is still going to extend to some African countries. African governments need assistance. We have to pray against polio, cholera and acute malaria in Nigeria. There will be drug for Ebola.


We should pray so that we don’t lose a football legend or a boxer. 

What about internationally?

Let us pray that we don’t see the death of a former African president. Let us pray against coup in any of the African nations. We have to be prayerful because African economy will go through recession and they will want to seek help from the Western world. There will be crisis in Gabon, Gambia, Burkina Faso etc. African countries need a lot of prayers.

 There is going to be a kind of crisis in AU. I see a kind of change of leadership in ECOWAS. We should pray very well. We should pray against natural disaster that may come up in China. There will be crisis in North Korea. 

  The World Bank will have its own crisis and I see some changes coming up in World Bank. The Palestinian and Israel matter will become more political. Russia will have economic crisis. The 

Pope must be careful so that he will not be attacked and also we should pray so that they will not lose any cardinal or bishop. There will be crisis in hierarchy crisis in Methodist and Anglican churches. So said the Lord of host. 

The world witnessed many crisis last year. What led to it? 

Ever before now it was published earlier last year that there will be crisis everywhere. I predicted that we should pray because the world leaders had disappointed God. There is nothing that happened that the prophet of God has not talked about. And more is still going to happen this year unless we pray and we appease God. That is the only way God will save us. 2015 is going to be full of surprises.

 What do we do next?

All Nigerians should fast and pray for the nation. Don’t say because it is not your pastor that said it or you are a Muslim or traditionalist you will not fast.

