Nigeria will overcome current challenges, Buhari re-assures citizens

President Muhammadu Buhari. Photo/TWITTER/NIGERIAGOV

We Need Peacemakers, Not Spoilers, Says Spokesman
President Muhammadu Buhari has expressed confidence that the nation would overcome the prevailing situation of insecurity in parts of the country.

This is even as the President’s Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Femi Adesina, has stressed the need for national unity, saying Nigeria needs peacemakers who will entrench nationalism and patriotism in the polity and not spoilers.

Speaking when the Grand Khalifa (overall head) of the Tijjaniyya Islamic Movement World-Wide visited the State House, Abuja, yesterday, President Buhari said the present administration was well aware of its responsibility with regards to security and would continue to do its best.

The President urged Nigerians to be fair to his government in assessing the security issue in the country by reflecting on what obtained at the time he took over in 2015, the successes as well as performance, which he said marks a decisive break from the past, particularly in the Northeast and the South-south regions.

He added that the Northwest, which has given the nation some “headache” would experience a turnaround for the better.

President Buhari urged citizens of the country to take responsibility and show interest in their own security and complement what the government was doing, saying, “we have done our best and we will continue to do more by pursuing coherent and consistent policies to deal with terrorism. I hope God will listen to our prayers.”

To Governor Abdullahi Umar Ganduje of Kano State, who brought the Grand Khalifa to Nigeria, President Buhari said: “We thank you for inviting them to come to pray for peace and stability in our country. We are grateful that they agreed to come.”

He joined them in praying God to give guidance and strength to leaders to be accountable and do right in all things that they do.

Ganduje, while introducing the Khalifa and his delegation, which included the Emir of Kano, Alhaji Aminu Ado Bayero and Sheikh Dahiru Usman Bauchi, the leader of the Tijjaniyya Islamic Movement in Nigeria, said the government of Kano State invited the Tijjaniyya World Leader to the country to lead the faithful in prayer, considering the complexities around security in particular.

He said the visit of the Grand Khalifa had also rekindled the old ties between the Tijjaniya and many cultural and educational institutions in Nigeria.

The Tijjaniyya leader in the country, Sheikh Bauchi and the Grand Khalifa, Tidjani Ali Bin Arabi, extolled the existing cordial relations between Nigeria and Algeria and prayed for guidance and blessings for the country and its leaders.

Speaking with newsmen, Ganduje said: “Specifically, Kano State government invited the Grand Khalifa, that is the world leader of Tijanniyya Islamic Movement to come to Kano and develop a good relationship between Algeria and the city of Kano.

It is a kind of rekindling the relationship because Kano is an old civilisation with so many Ulama (Ismamic scholars) from Algeria hundreds of years ago, who came to Kano to assist the development of Sharia leadership in Kano State.

“So, inviting this world leader of Tijanniyya Islamic Movement is a welcome development for the people of Kano State and for the people of Nigeria. We invited him and his team to pray for Nigeria, for peace, stability and prosperity; and also to pray for peace and stability of Kano State and the whole of Nigeria.

“We are all aware of the security challenges we are having. The federal and state governments are all doing their best. But praise to Allah subhana wa taala. He will also assist because Allah requested us to request from Him, and He can grant us our request. So, as you can see, he was in Kano for four days. We were together until Friday prayers.  In the Emir’s Palace, he offered prayers and we had a grand occasion at Sani Abacha Stadium attended by many Ulama from all over Africa, from Nigeria and from the 44 local governments.

“Lectures were delivered for peace and stability of this country and prayers were also offered. Also, we decided to use the Tijanniyya Islamic Movement as a tool of building relationship. We organised a lecture with Bayero University, where we examined the history, the origin and the spread of the movement in Africa.

“Also in Kano State, we constituted a committee with his team in order to look into issues of education, commerce and agriculture. So, we have developed a very well coordinated synergy in order to improve the quality of life of the people of Kano State. And also by extension, we offered prayers, national prayers for peace and stability of this country.

“To round it off, we decided to have a courtesy call on Mr. President, where they prayed for him; where they indicated the importance of the relationship between Algeria and Nigeria, and where they indicated their continued cooperation in prayers for peace and stability of Nigeria. That is what brought us to the villa,” he said.

Buhari’s spokesman, Adesina, spoke yesterday in Abuja when he received a merit award from the Ambassadors of Voice for Change, a group of Nollywood actors and entertainers led by Ahmed Bala.

He said the Buhari administration would continue to support Nigerians working assiduously to promote peace, harmony and development.

He invoked the words of renowned novelist, Chinua Achebe, in his book Arrow of God, “When brothers fight to death a stranger inherits their father’s estate” to warn on the consequences of internal conflict and underscore the need for Nigerians to see themselves as one.

Commending the group on their vision to promote unity in Nigeria, Adesina said the sheer volume of talents and exceptional Nigerians on their network, including those in the entertainment, media, sports, fashion and arts industry, makes them a formidable voice for positive change in the country.

“The media office of the President will always support you and I wish you the very best in all your endeavours. What you are doing for the country makes our work easier. When you hold town hall meetings in different parts of the country, advocating for unity, peace and change, it is easier for me to do the job and I am very glad to identify with this group, which is nationalistic and patriotic,” he said.

Spokesman of the group, Ben Kure, said Adesina, a two-time president of the Nigerian Guild of Editors (NGE), has distinguished himself as an excellent journalist, writer, media executive and spokesperson of the President, writing his “name in gold” in the media profession and discharge of his duties.

“He has been adjudged the best spokesman by journalists in Nigeria and one of the reasons adduced to this feat is his humility and accessibility. He deeply cares about the welfare of journalists in Nigeria,” he said.


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