Nigerian airports to rank top in Africa in 2015, says FAAN

THE Federal Airports Authority of (FAAN) said it is working hard to reposition the country’s airports in terms of service delivery to enable them compete with others in Africa.

  The agency said parts of the plans is to improve the standard of service delivery to passengers that uses airports in Nigeria, affirming that inadequate passengers service delivery was responsible for the low rating of three of the country’s international airports in 2014.

  A study conducted by ‘The Guide To Sleeping in Airport’, named three Nigerian airports as the worst in Africa last year. They include Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos in 10th position, Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja ranked 7th while the Port Harcourt International Airport emerged 6th worst airport.

  But FAAN General Manager, Customer Service Mrs. Ebele Okoye said the agency has made a commitment to raise the bar in customer service across the country’s airports under FAAN control.

  “The low rating of Nigerian airports last year was basically born out of inadequate customer service delivery and not infrastructure. We have the fastest development plan for airports growth among African countries”

  Mrs. Okoye spoke at a Customer Appreciation Day/Cancer Awareness Initiative to commemorate World Cancer Day where she explained that with the current level of service delivery, Nigerian airports will rank among the best in 2015.

  She said “we have a Minister who is focused and has launched the Aviation Commits as a way of providing better service delivery. The FAAN MD is also leaving no stone unturned to ensure that in the next rating coming up in April, we emerge among the best”.

In his address, FAAN MD, represented by the Director of Administration, Ikechi Uko, a lawyer,  said the agency is poised to offer its customers world class services and urged staff to carry out the transformation agenda of the authority.

   Various speakers at the event spoke on the need for workers to constantly maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to combat  the menace of cancer.

