Nigerian lawyer turned fitness coach inspires health transformation

Ferdinand Esewe, a former lawyer, has made waves in the fitness industry by helping individuals transform their bodies and mindsets through his company, Dfittribe. From offering online fitness plans to conducting in-person personal and group training sessions, Esewe has become a prominent figure in the health and wellness sphere.

Esewe’s journey into the world of fitness began in 2001, while he was pursuing a law degree. Fascinated by the remarkable physical and performance differences in individuals based on their training and nutrition, he dedicated his spare time to researching and learning more about fitness and nutrition. In 2014, he established Dfittribe, initially as an online fitness meal advisory service.

After practicing law actively for several years, Esewe made the difficult decision to leave behind a lucrative career and follow his passion for helping others achieve their optimal physical health. “After getting my first online fitness certification, I realized that fitness had to take the front seat in my life,” Esewe explained.

The initial years of building his brand and clientele were not without their challenges. Esewe described this period as “searching for my keys in the dark.” Many people in Nigeria perceive fitness as a luxury rather than a necessity, making it an uphill battle to establish himself in the industry. However, Esewe persevered, relying on his determination and unwavering belief in the power of fitness.

Today, Dfittribe runs three online challenges per year, attracting individuals from all over the world who are seeking body and mindset transformations. Esewe has also undertaken numerous international group training projects, focusing on staff wellness and fitness for thriving corporations. Recently, he worked with LA Assist Ltd., a Johannesburg-based company.

Esewe’s client roster boasts notable names such as Don Jazzy from the Mavin group, Mocheddah from the entertainment industry, Victor Samuel from the sports world, and DJ Obi. He has also worked with influential political figures and top executives.

Looking ahead, Esewe plans to create actionable fitness plans specifically designed for high-performing individuals aged 35 to 55. Additionally, he aims to develop a sustainable regimen for women during their post-partum journey. Moreover, he envisions spreading his training and lifestyle philosophies throughout Africa.

When asked about his advice for aspiring professionals in the fitness industry, Esewe emphasized the importance of self-development and a genuine interest in clients’ needs. He encourages professionals to bring their best energy and knowledge to help individuals achieve their goals. His personal motto, “When regardless of external factors, you’re constantly performing at your highest level, you’re on your god energy,” reflects his belief in the profound impact of discipline and prioritizing health and fitness.

Ferdinand Esewe’s transition from law to fitness coaching showcases the transformative power of following one’s passion. With his dedication to helping individuals reach their optimal physical levels, he continues to inspire others on their health and wellness journeys.
