Nigerians and Tinubu’s first year in office

Sir: Dear President Bola Tinubu, I use this medium with the hope that this open letter will reach your table.

Mr President, with utmost respect to you and your office, hope you are well? I pray Allah to give you wisdom to make Nigeria great again.

You are aware that this responsibility bestowed on you by God is a test of your faith both here and hereafter. Though becoming a president was your lifetime ambition, you have actualised it, a rare opportunity for many other people to achieve their own dream to occupy the president’s office at one shoot.

However, it is unfortunate the uncertainty in the Nigerian economy today. The hardship in the country is becoming unbearable to the citizens. The situation is not getting any better.

Since the removal of subsidy, things have become very tough for Nigerians as the prices of food items, essential commodities and transportation fares have gone beyond the reach of most citizens. Hunger, starvation and lamentation have become the order of the day. The hardship the citizens and the country are going through is a result of the removal of subsidy on petrol and the devaluation of the naira. Even to buy drugs to treat minor ailments has become almost impossible.

Within one year of your administration in office, the economic policies you are implementing have triggered more economic hardship for millions of citizens.

If they have reason to smile in one minute, the very next second, they are heartbroken.

Your administration’s ‘Renewed Hope’ agenda is increasingly turning into renewed frustration for the citizens. Life in Nigeria has became miserable for the larger population, as 2024 is now becoming one of the hardest for Nigerians in recent years. Is there nothing that can be ingeniously done for the most vulnerable? It is disheartening to remind you of the deteriorating state of the economy, high cost of living, electricity tariff hike, collapse of the naira and the highest inflation that are causing the unprecedented hardship for the masses.

There is urgent need to take remedial measures against the situation. Mr President and his appointees should have it at the back of their minds that “a hungry man is an angry man.”

Nigerians want this situation tackled, not the president’s frequent acknowledgment of the hardship the citizens are going through.

Abba Dukawa.


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