‘Nigerians’ quest for fresh brains, genuine leaders will start with me’

Sunny Eromosele

Prof. Sunny Eromosele, Managing Director of Mudiame International Limited and Founder of Mudiame University, Irrua, is a Labour Party aspirant in the forthcoming Edo governorship election. He spoke with KINGSLEY JEREMIAH on his plans for the state and other issues.

Why are you contesting for Edo governorship?
Running for the Edo governorship is an imperative response to the current governance challenges in the state. The lack of effective governance, where policies are not intricately woven with the interests and aspirations of the people, has led to disconnect between the government and the populace. My candidacy aims to recalibrate the state’s trajectory, providing a new template for governance that harmonises the needs of the people, the environment and the available resources. This alignment is crucial for achieving the dreams and aspirations of the citizens.

Why should the people of Edo believe in you?
They have always believed me as one of their sons, fathers and brothers, who have the state at heart. My decision to run came from my uniqueness as a man that is committed to development. I have been living with people, I have invested in our land and they have been proud of my many strides across industries. They saw me rise from poverty into fame in a clean way. They knew when I was a roadside mechanic and how I worked hard to where I am today. They have seen me offer employment opportunities, scholarships, healthcare solutions and youth development opportunities. They know me as someone who does not make promises without fulfilling it. 

Unlike many politicians, my history is steeped in tangible contributions to society. Through involvement in community service, mentoring, training and educational initiatives, I’ve consistently impacted people’s lives positively. My programmes address critical issues in sectors like oil and gas and education, showcasing a genuine passion for community development. What sets me apart is the intentionality behind what I do. I am not seeking personal gains but aiming to redefine governance, placing the welfare of the people as my primary goal.

What have you been doing before your interest in politics?
I am a businessman. I founded Mudiame International Limited over three decades ago and the Mudiame Welding Institute about 10 years ago before founding Mudiame University, Irrua in 2021.

Mudiame International Limited is strategic in the oil, gas and allied sectors in Nigeria with primary commitment to local content development. The welding institute was also born out of the need to halt import of expatriates into the country for welding jobs. The university is also committed to bridging the gap that exists between the academic and the industry. 

Do you think an Esan man can emerge as Edo State governor, given their historical absence in power?
While being from Esan Central, my candidacy transcends regional boundaries. I will rather calm myself with an Edo agenda rather than an Esan agenda. All that we need is one committed leader capable of steering Edo towards a brighter future. My stance emphasises equity and justice, acknowledging the historical dynamics in Nigeria. While regional representation is important, my qualifications, track record and dedication to addressing the challenges facing Edo position me as a candidate capable of ushering in positive change.
Meanwhile, I must say that the demand for the Edo Central Senatorial District to produce the next governor after a 24-year gap is justified. This call aligns seamlessly with the principles of fairness, equity and inclusivity in governance, ensuring that each district has an opportunity to contribute to leadership in the state.

Do you have the political experience to win and govern Edo?
People ask me this question often. The truth is, Edo people and Nigerians as a whole are tired of those old faces and structures that didn’t work. They want a good manager like me from a different political system. My background as a businessman has endowed me with valuable management skills, which are essential for effective governance. I acknowledge the differences between private and public sector operations and understand that governance involves making laws and managing resources for the collective welfare of the people. Being a part of the Labour Party provides a structured framework that aligns with my emphasis on good governance. My role as a leader will centre on addressing state issues and implementing policies that genuinely benefit the people. This is what I have done over the years. 

We are at a critical time; we need to cut waste and deliver effective and productive governance not a system that feeds godfathers. Nigerians are tired of all these politicians that can’t offer anything. They want fresh brains in governance. I am that man.

When I wanted to build Mudiame University, a lot of people within the state, including some who are contesting today, didn’t see any prospect in Edo. They asked me to consider Abuja, Lagos and Port-Harcourt where I’ve been living but I refused. I am futuristic and my ideas are much more developmental than rent seeking. It is this kind of visionary leadership that is lacking in our country and particularly Edo.
Edo State is a bankable project. If you get a visionary leader who is ready to serve the people, four years is enough for you to see transformational changes that are generationally beneficial. 

To answer your question directly, I will say my entrepreneurship background has instilled in me the importance of innovation, problem-solving and effective decision-making. These skills, I believe, are vital for tackling the intricate challenges confronting the state. Drawing from my experience as an innovator, I have a proven track record of devising creative solutions to problems, and I aspire to bring this innovative spirit to the political arena. 

How do you plan to deal with the lack of unity among Esan aspirants?
I admit that there are a number of interests within the Esan region of the state. There is nothing wrong in aspiring to rule but we know those who are serious. The people know those who have been physically available and committed towards the development of the region and the state. I am much more focused on every region of the state and my antecedents testify to that. 

As we move closer to the business of elections, those who have personal interests will naturally give way and the rest of us will unite to support the right man and I am that man. They all know that every indicator points to me and my candidacy will secure the chance not only for Esan but every Edo citizen.

Already, I have engaged with some of the candidates and I have plans to foster collaboration among other Esan aspirants by emphasising the collective goal of development. While recognising each candidate’s unique contributions, I advocate for voluntary service, urging individuals to prioritise serving the state over personal gains. 

What is your agenda and strategy for Edo?
The “RISE” agenda encapsulates my vision for Edo – a restoration of the state to its original plan and dignity. This involves improving the standard of living, creating an inclusive environment, enhancing prosperity and ensuring security. My strategy entails the development of comprehensive policies crafted with input from the people. By prioritising the people, the environment and available resources, I aim to elevate the state’s status and achieve a regional plan that resonates with the aspirations of the citizens.

Primarily, RISE stands for Restore, Increase, Secure, Empower. My idea is a commitment to returning to the original plan of Edo and implementing a comprehensive master plan. Addressing misalignments and restoring the dignity of Edo people. Cultivating a renewed spirit of pride and resilience among the citizens.

I am also focusing on shared prosperity by fostering wealth creation and redistribution across all local governments; actively involving women and youth in government, ensuring increased participation; prioritising a people-oriented government that caters to the needs and aspirations of the populace; channeling growth across various sectors, including education, agriculture, entertainment, health and water resources; launching a state of emergency on roads for substantial infrastructure development; promoting employment, supporting small-scale businesses and attracting investment; rebuilding Edo as a vibrant transport hub, fostering connectivity and economic development; implementing special farming programmes to boost agricultural yields; establishing agro-processing zones to add value to agricultural products; offering incentives to investors and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to stimulate economic growth; expanding off-grid electricity to industrial clusters and underserved communities; enhancing transparency and accountability through technology.

We also need to re-jig the security architecture to address contemporary challenges by implementing a statewide community policing approach; encouraging community involvement in ensuring security; investing in security infrastructure and leveraging technology to safeguard lives and property.

Another is priority on education from primary to tertiary levels, ensuring access and quality. Investing in infrastructure across educational institutions and establishing industrial hubs. Creating specialised skill centres to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical skills; collaborating with global certification and skill bodies to enhance the employability of Edo citizens; providing start-up kits and promoting solution-driven skills to encourage entrepreneurship; establishing incubation hubs in collaboration with the private sector to nurture sustainable businesses; designing special empowerment programmes for people with disabilities; promoting Edo’s talents and products through state-funded pavilions at local and international events; prioritising entertainment, tourism and arts to showcase the cultural richness of Edo state.

I have a strategy called MAP initiative, which is Movement Against Poverty. This centres on People, Environment and Resources (PER), emphasising the transformation of the populace into an employable, innovative and environmentally conscious workforce. This approach aims to harness natural resources efficiently for sustainable development and economic growth.

I have a detailed plan that cannot all come on the pages of the newspaper. This plan already outlines a detailed roadmap for Edo’s transformation, emphasising restoration, inclusive growth, security and empowerment across various sectors. The goal is to create a dynamic, prosperous and sustainable Edo State that serves as a model for progress in Nigeria.

Can the Labour Party challenge the stronghold of APC and PDP in Edo?
Labour Party’s appeal lies in its emphasis on youth involvement, aligning with the sentiments of a significant portion of Edo’s population. While the APC and PDP may have financial advantages, the disenchantment of the youth with the current political landscape is palpable. My candidacy represents a shift towards credible leadership that prioritises the welfare of the people. With the unwavering support and determination of the youth, the Labour Party stands a real chance of challenging the established political stronghold.

We can continue to bank on certain formulas that have not worked. We need to try a fresh brain, a credible leader, someone who has no political fathers and enemies to deal with or pay homage to; someone who can unite all the regions of the state; someone who has been physically available in the state, who knows the pain of the people; an innovator and resource manager. I am that person. 

The people of Edo, home and abroad are tired of poor governance. They are crying for a state that they can be proud of. They want to rescue their state and they know that PDP and APC put them in this mess. They see Labour Party as the key factor in their liberation and they see me as the man that God will use to rescue, restore and deliver a bright future for the state. 

Do you have the financial capacity to compete in a landscape where money plays a significant role?
Having invested considerable resources in Edo, I am prepared to further commit my resources in ensuring that the Labour Party gets to power in Edo State. I believe in Edo and I am convinced that it is time for the change we all clamoured for. 

This time, we should not allow money politics to ruin the future of our state. There is a need for our focus to shift from the traditional model of politics, where personal gains overshadow the broader interests of the state. Most politicians do a lot during elections, including spending ill-gotten wealth lavishly so that they can take control of the state. After winning an election, their goal is to recoup what they have spent during the election. I see a situation where the people who love the state put their resources, time and money on me to ensure that the ordinary person like myself becomes the governor. 

I am confident that the people, especially the youth, will rally behind the vision of Labour Party and take back their state from bad politicians who have held them in poverty for decades. 

Together, we can mobilise the necessary resources to challenge the existing political landscape and usher in a new era of governance centred on the collective well-being of the state. A government that is  transparent, accountable, fair; prioritises the welfare of the masses, women and people with disabilities. 


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