Nigerians reveal plans for Valentine’s day amid economic hardship

Photo: morgancreekgolf

Spending money on loved ones is always a good idea, but there isn’t much to be happy about these days due to the nation’s growing costs of goods and services.  For valentine enthusiasts, the day of love, Valentine’s Day, is being threatened by the lack of purchasing power with the constant fall of naira.

Every February 14, people around the world observe Saint Valentine’s Day. It is believed that Saint Valentine was murdered on that day in Rome in 270 A.D., the day was once observed as a Christian feast day to honour his selflessness.

However, the economic hardship in Nigeria may have reduced the fervour and tempo of Valentine’s Day aficionados. For Celestine Onome, a civil servant, there is no point in celebrating Valentine’s Day when he can’t pay for his necessities easily. Onome admitted that he was usually crazy about the Valentine’s celebration but the excitement dwindled with each passing year.

“Inflation exists even though our salaries have not increased significantly despite the naira’s decline versus the dollar. My salary can’t even pay my children’s school fees and house rent conveniently, is it Valentine’s Day that I will now celebrate?” He ended the statement with a sigh.

Onome is not alone in excusing himself out of the Valentine’s Day celebration, Favour Onyedikachi expressed her fear in embarking on Valentine’s Day Celebration with her lover. “I love celebrating Valentine’s Day. it’s usually fun for me. Going out to visit places, eating, drinking and partying, it’s all making sense but it’s not making sense this year because it’s like you are wasting money if you eventually see the money sha…The economic hardship is so bad that thinking of what to buy for my boyfriend is excruciating. I might not be getting something reasonable for him this year but I will try my best and at least give him most of my time…”

Narrating his experience, Seun Ogunlade said that he borrowed a loan to celebrate Valentine’s day last year and that he repaid the loan through his nose. “Remembering last year’s experience, I won’t borrow or spend much this year since Nigeria doesn’t want to help us. Time is the currency of friendship. I’m going to give lots of my time to my girlfriend. We are going to sing, dance and profess love to each other. We don’t need lots of money, just genuine feelings…”

Abigail Okolie, a model and crochet artist said that the dwindling economy will not make her enjoy Valentine’s Day this year. “Luckily for me, I will be in church receiving Ash because it’s Ash Wednesday, and I won’t be under any pressure to celebrate the day. That day for me, is church then go home to work to get money…”

Also due to the naira fall, Obiekezie Alberta, a student and entrepreneur, said she will be spending her Valentine’s Day in her room. “Prior to this time, I didn’t really have too much crazy feelings about Valentine but with the recent naira fall depleted every bit of enthusiasm. It will just be me, Jesus and work…”

When asked about her plans for Valentine’s Day this year, baker and event planner, Dorcas Temitope, who often receives a lot of orders for cakes and Valentine’s Day parcels, cut a sorry figure. According to her, making people’s Valentine’s Day special is what makes her day fulfilled.

Customers have been complaining, she said, about the lack of funds. “My customers who are stable with their orders are those who earn in six figures monthly or earn in dollars but I have been losing customers especially because of the high cost of baking materials and services and it really hurts a lot because I love making the day of my customers and seeing them happy on Val’s Day.”

Also due to the naira fall, Obiekezie Alberta, a student and entrepreneur, said she will be spending her Valentine’s Day in her room. “Prior to this time, I never had a special feeling about Valentine and the naira fall depleted every bit of enthusiasm. It will just be me, Jesus and work…”

Entrepreneur and member of an NGO, Kelechi Adebayo said he will be going to the orphanage to enjoy his Valentine’s Day. “It’s not like I don’t have a lover to celebrate my valentine with but I feel these orphans need our love. We have every day to enjoy love with those we love but for this one day I want to spend my time with them and see the joy on their faces. ”

Adebayo added that one person might not have enough to spend but with collective giving, whatever is being gathered can provoke joy on the faces of the orphans.

A marriage counsellor, Justice Udunna said that friendship is crucial in relationships and marriages and it provides the basis for understanding that despite changing economic situations, they still love each other.

She noted that couples might need to compromise this year for a beautiful celebration. “When couples have solid friendship and mutual understanding, celebrating Valentine’s Day in the country’s situation might not be ostentatious but the couples will value it because of the effort put in and the genuine love expressed.”

According to a Social Analyst, Mercy Aaron, the “complex interplay of galloping inflation” has drastically dampened the normal emotions and enthusiasm around Valentine’s Day.

“People literally are under mental stress on how to celebrate,” she said. “Yes, some people will still have fun, but it sure will require a greater length of determination to do that. Since people can’t spend a lot of money to celebrate Valentine’s Day, they should use that day to be kind and generous to people. The original meaning of Valentine’s Day has almost been lost because people engage in various immoral activities with their pals and believe it to be a time for passionate affairs. Valentine’s Day should be celebrated with the perspective that a selfless priest named Saint Valentine, sacrificed his life to save a family for the sake of true love.”

There are, nevertheless, various tales on Valantine’s Day celebration, one account claimed that Valentine was executed upon learning that he assisted in arranging marriages for young soldiers who were forbidden from marrying in Rome.

Another account claimed that before he was killed, Valentine penned a letter addressed “To my Valentine” to his sweetheart, most likely the jailer’s daughter, who paid him a visit when he was incarcerated.

Despite having its roots in the Catholic Church, when a mass was customarily observed to celebrate the day, people have since found reasons to celebrate the day. On this day, there are typically a ton of events going on, including feasts with loved ones, family, friends, and the less fortunate
