Nigerians urged to use 2023 to renew their commitments

The Ejemu of Erinmo Land, Chief Temitope Jacob Olorunfemi has advised Nigerians to use the New Year to renew their commitment for the collective prosperity, growth and development of the country.

In his New Year message, yesterday, Olorunfemi also urged Nigerians to contribute more to nation building by shunning all forms of negative tendencies.

“As Nigerians, our unique strengths and characters to overcome our challenges collectively have never been in doubt, what we need now more than ever is to galvanise these unique qualities for the good of all as permissible under a democratic set up.”

He seized the opportunity to beckon on all stakeholders at all levels to ensure they uphold and collectively obey their traditional norm at all level, stating that “No nation in the world can succeed without recourse to her native norm and culture.

He urged all Nigerians to look inward and ensure everyone plays her role in seeing to it.

Olorunfemi expressed optimism that all Nigerians will live in an economy that provides them the quality of life they deserve.

He however, stated that, “His commitment in this New Year is to help ensure that Nigeria will rise again and that the hopes of all Nigerians become a reality.”

Olorunfemi also seized the opportunity to call on Nigerians to go out to cast their votes in the forthcoming general election for a credible and transparent leader that will succeed the president.
