Nigeria’s captain, Etim, banks on teamwork ahead Women T20 Tournament

Blessing Etim (left) will lead Nigeria’s team at the Six-Nation Invitational Women Cricket Tournament, which begins in Lagos…on March 26, 2022

Captain of Nigeria’s senior women cricket team, Blessing Etim, believes good communication with her teammates has been effective in overcoming challenges they have faced recently.

Speaking ahead of the forthcoming six-nation Women’s T20 Invitational in Lagos, Etim expects Nigeria will feature a blend of experienced and young players for the event.

A total of 18 players are expected to return to camp in Lagos today for the final camping phase ahead of the invitational.

Of the lot, about six of them are less than 17 years old, although four of them will be dropped to make way for the final 14 that will represent the country at the tournament.

Etim, one of the oldest and experienced players in the team, said she is able to lead by always communicating and reaching out.

She said: “I just try to balance things up. Some of the players in the team are 14 and 15 years of age and when I am with them, I try to humble myself, talk and interact with them, so that they can approach me freely on any issue bothering them.

“I also try to be firm sometimes, so that they understand that the job has to done and I have great support from the older players as well,’’ Etim said.

The player, who is also a coach in Akwa Ibom, said she hoped to be remembered for her contributions to the development of women’s cricket in the country.

“In the long run, I hope that my good works speak for me. As a coach in Akawa Ibom, I have mentored and introduced lots of girls to the sport.

“Notable are Blessing Frank, Esther Sandy and Salome Sunday, who I tutored and now play for the national team.

“I am also training a potential wicket keeper, Sarah Etim. Hopefully, in the next one year or two years, she will be good enough for the national team.

“I gained a lot from playing cricket and I just want to give back to the society in my little way by mentoring other girls to pick up the sport as well, hopefully they become professionals,’’ she said.

The cricketer, who set a record of four maiden-four overs-four wickets in the T20 Women’s World Cup Africa qualifier in Botswana in 2021, is also hopeful that Nigeria will come tops against its rivals at the Women’s Invitational in Lagos.

Ghana, the Gambia, Sierra Leona, Cameroun, Rwanda and Nigeria will slug it out at the recently renovated Tafa Balewa Square Cricket oval in Lagos from March 26 to April 4.
