Nigeria’s economy is recovering, say Abiodun, deputy governor

Chief Imam of Remoland, Taofeek Junaid (left); representative of Chief Imam of Ijebuland, Muslim Balogun; Ogun State Governor, Dapo Abiodun; Chief Imam of Egbaland, Sa’adallah Bamgbola and Wakeel Musilimeen of Yorubaland, Edo and Delta states, Iskeel Lawal, during a visit to the governor on the Eid-el-Fitr celebration at his Iperu residence… yesterday.

Ogun State Governor, Dapo Abiodun, has said that Nigeria is on the verge of recovering from its economic challenges as a result of the prayers offered by Nigerians during the Lent and Ramadan fasting.

Abiodun, who stated this, yesterday, while playing host to the Muslim faithful at his Iperu residence in Ikenne Local Council, said that the country’s challenges are surmountable but needed all hands to be on deck. He averred that the current policies and programmes of the President Bola Tinubu-led Administration are yielding fruits as the economy is gradually taking shape.

According to him, Ramadan is a period to seek forgiveness and be kind to fellow humans, stressing the need for Nigerians to always be good to one another and uphold religious harmony.

Abiodun congratulated the Muslim faithful for the successful completion of Ramadan, describing it as a spiritual exercise that is beneficial to both individuals and the nation.

In the same vein, the Deputy Governor, Noimot Salako-Oyedele, urged Nigerians to continue to pray for the success of the policies and programmes of the President Tinubu-led administration towards repositioning the country.

Salako-Oyedele, who spoke at the Ota Central Eid ground, called on the citizens to be optimistic about the emergence of a new Nigeria soon, even as she expressed delight that the new policies of the government at the centre are already yielding the desired results on the economy. She advised Muslims to adhere to the tenets of Islam as well as live by the various teachings imbibed during Ramadan.

Meanwhile, palliative distribution took place at the various Eid praying grounds across the state. The Grand Chief Imam of Remo, Abdul-Quadri Jinadu, expressed gratitude to Abiodun for putting smiles on the faces of residents of the state. Jinadu said that the palliatives would alleviate the current economic hardship and bring succour to the people.

In his remarks, the Asiwaju Adinni of Ogun State and Baba Adinni of Remoland, Samsideen Apelogun, appreciated the government for the palliative distribution, noting that this would go a long way in ameliorating the economic situation and put food on the table for the vulnerable.


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