Nigeria’s groundsmen to begin consulting for Ghana, Sierra Leone, says Akpata

Nigeria Cricket Federation (NCF) President, Uyi Akpata, has revealed that the country’s groundsmen will soon begin consulting for countries like Ghana and Sierra Leone.

Akpata commended the groundsmen for doing an excellent job in constructing and maintaining cricket pitches around the country, saying the feat has drawn the admiration of neighbouring nations.

“Our groundsmen used the COVID-19 period to gain more experience from a renowned ground official. We seized the opportunity to build our resources during the COVID-19 period. Luckily, the International Cricket Council (ICC) presented one of their most prominent ground officials to work virtually with our team, so we have a lot of them who have gained those valuable experience,” the NCF president said.

Akpata disclosed that the federation constructed the two wickets in Abuja and Lagos respectively in record time, adding: “It would normally take an average of a year and a half, but we did it in eight months.

“Sierra Leone wants to do its wicket. Ghana is also going to host the African Games in 2023 and cricket will be involved and while ICC is driving it, Ghana will get support from nearby countries like ours, based on the experience. So, it is Nigeria exporting what we have learnt from the ICC to other African countries.’’

Nigeria currently has seven international standard turf wickets.


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