Nigeria’s Idowu set to break World Record

Ogun State born fitness coach, Adeniyi Idowu, is set to break the Guinness World Record embarking on a 60 hours workout Marathon.

According to him, he is fully prepared to make this official attempt from Thursday, May 9 to May 11 at Femdax Hotel International, 2 Unity Close, Alimosho, Lagos, from 11am.

Sharing thoughts about his goal to set this record, he said, “I have three goals for this attempt. First, I want to create awareness that it’s not compulsory to use machines or equipment before you can exercise through daily activities. Older people and kids are eligible for the same bodyweight exercise that I have used for over two years.”

He added that he’s also doing this to encourage people achieve their fitness goals. “There are people fighting obesity, weight issues and so on. I want this to serve as a reminder for them not to give up on themselves, remain strong and not lose focus of the goal they have set for themselves. I also want people to see that once you put your mind to something, you can achieve it. Fimally, I want to serve as inspiration to others, young and old.”

Concluding, he disclosed that he wants to join the list of Nigerians that have put their name in the book of Guinness World Record lately, starting with Hilda Baci; as well as help provide a sense of accomplishment and recognition for himself if successful.

“For me, this isn’t an attempt but a challenge. A challenge to help propel me to new heights of success and stretch my capability to learn and grow quickly,” he added.


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