NiGPT game-changing innovations: Julius Oyekanmi previews upcoming AI event in Lagos

Julius Oyekanmi

Julius Oyekanmi is the Co-Founder of NiGPT. He is an Innovator and a Business Leader. In this interview with GERALDINE AKUTU, he talks about the epoch-making Al event holding on 5th June, 2024 at the Eko hotel & Suites, Lagos and other issues.

What is NiGPT all about?

NiGPT is an innovative project aimed at leveraging the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to transform various sectors. It focuses on developing advanced AI solutions that can be integrated into industries such as healthcare, finance, education, agriculture, and more. Our goal is to create cutting-edge technologies that not only solve complex problems but also enhance the efficiency and productivity of businesses and organisations.

What should people expect with the project unveiling in June?

As we gear up for the unveiling in June, people can expect a showcase of our pioneering AI technologies and solutions. We will be presenting our platforms that demonstrate the potential of AI in improving everyday life and business operations. Attendees will get an in-depth look at how our AI solutions can be applied practically in different sectors, and we will also be announcing some exciting partnerships and collaborations.

What ground have you broken so far?

So far, we have made significant strides in several key areas: We have invested heavily in R&D to develop unique and effective AI algorithms tailored for specific industries. We have formed strategic partnerships with leading tech companies and academic institutions to enhance our capabilities and resources and we have been actively engaging with the tech community and potential users to gather feedback and refine our products. How is life as a tech entrepreneur?Life as a tech entrepreneur is both challenging and rewarding. It involves constant innovation, problem-solving, and staying ahead of technological trends. The journey is filled with learning experiences, whether it’s through successful launches or setbacks. The most fulfilling part is witnessing how technology can make a significant impact on society and contribute to solving real-world problems.

Has AI changed our normal way of doing things?

Absolutely. AI has revolutionized the way we approach tasks, make decisions, and interact with technology. From personalized recommendations on streaming platforms to AI-powered chatbots in customer service, AI is enhancing efficiency and creating new opportunities. It has automated routine tasks, provided deeper insights through data analytics, and opened up new frontiers in fields like healthcare with predictive diagnostics and personalized treatments.

What are your plans for NiGPT?

Our plans for NiGPT include: Scaling our AI solutions to reach more industries and geographical regions, continuously innovating and staying at the forefront of AI research and application, Investing in AI education and training programs to build a skilled workforce, creating a community around our products where users can share experiences, provide feedback, and help us improve and most importantly, ensuring that our AI solutions are sustainable and contribute positively to the environment and society.

What positive changes would you like to see in the tech business in Nigeria?

In the tech business landscape of Nigeria, I would like to see more investment in tech startups and infrastructure to drive innovation and growth, Government policies that foster a conducive environment for tech businesses to thrive, enhanced focus on tech education and vocational training to develop a skilled workforce, A more collaborative tech ecosystem where companies, academia, and government bodies work together towards common goals and A seamless integration with global tech communities to bring in best practices, technologies, and opportunities.
