NLC strike: KADCIMA urges FG to expedite action on minimum wage

NLC Strike. Photo. BBC

The President of Kaduna Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (KADCCIMA) , Mr Ishaya Idi, on Monday, urged the Federal Government to expedite action on the minimum wage.

The president also called on the government to provide other palliatives and accompanying measures including a downward review of electricity tariffs.

This, he said, was to effectively alleviate the suffering of ordinary Nigerians in view of the current economic hardship.

Idi,who made this known in a statement, said that the indefinite strike embarked upon by the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) would cause negative repercussions on the overall economy.

ā€œWhile the arguments put forward by NLC and TUC on their decision to embark on the indefinite strike are well noted, there is the need to tread with caution on account of negative repercussions on the overall economy.

ā€œAbandoning negotiations and shutting down the country will have untold hardship on all segments of the economy.

ā€ This hard stance will also fatally impact on the survival, resilience, productive capacity, and competitive advantage of the more than 39 million-strong MSMEs ecosystem,ā€ he said.

Idi explained that the MSMEs significantly contribute to economic stability through job and wealth creation as they account for 48 per cent of Nigeriaā€™s GDP and 84 per cent of employment.

He called on the organised labour to sheath its sword and go back to the negotiation table while urging the three tiers of government to implement a cost-cutting regime.

According to him, the regime should condemn, ban, and severely punish any display of an inflated sense of personal importance and substantially reduce the overall cost of governance.
He advised that the regime should start with a downward review of emoluments and allowances of public office holders, cabinet officers, and all Parliamentarians.

ā€œThis regime should also consider a downward review of all perks of office such as official vehicles, foreign trips and attendant estacodes among others,ā€ he said.


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