Nnamani seeks support for Nkanu East to produce next Enugu governor


Former President of the Senate, Ken Nnamani, yesterday, backed agitation of Nkanu East Council people to produce the next governor of Enugu State in 2023.

Nnamani expressed his support for the area, while addressing leaders of Nkanu East Consultative Forum (NECF), led by former Minister of Power, Prof. Barth Nnaji, who visited him in his Amechi Awkunanaw Country Home.

Nnaji had sought Senator Nnamani’s support in the quest for Enugu East Senatorial District to produce the governorship candidate based on zoning.

He argued that apart from the fact that some council areas in the zone have had a shot at the governorship position, Nkanu East had been a neglected area of Nkanu land, lamenting that the area lacked a good road or government presence at the state and federal levels.

Stressing the need for a good road network in the area, he said the infrastructure needs were so much that most of the council area had to go through five councils before reaching the headquarters at Amagunze.

He observed that whereas the area was blessed with untapped solid minerals and agricultural potentialities due to lack of roads, it would have been easier to build a bridge across the Idodo River and connect the vast area with good roads.

“We have qualified people to advance the interest of Enugu State. We are not asking to make any of them governor to help just our own localities. All we are hoping for is that if one of our own becomes governor, some of the winds of development that he initiates in the state will also blow in our area.

“This will end our marginalisation and give us a sense of belonging. This is why we are appealing to you as a major pillar in this state, nay in the whole country, to lend us your support and speak up for us in our cause.”

Responding, Nnamani agreed with Nnaji saying: “You used marginalisation to describe the situation in Nkanu East, I would rather you use the word backwardness. It is part of it.”

“I totally support the idea and if there is a way we can spread development and other amenities in Nkanu land, I am all for it. I support your move and urge you to remain resolute and steadfast in the quest for the governorship position.”


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