Nnamdi Kanu: PISE-P demands release of S’Court’s CTC, push for his freedom

Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) Leader, Nnamdi Kanu

Peace In South East Project (PISE-P), a Non Governmental Organization has called for the release of the Certified True Copy (CTC) of the recent Supreme Court judgment on the continued incarceration of the leader of Indigenous Peoples of Biafra (IPOB), Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.

It will be recalled that the apex court on December 15, 2023 gave a ruling for the retrial of the IPOB leader at the lower court.

The 14 days window given by law within which to sign the CTC had since elapsed without any news on the release of the document, prompting the members of Kanu’s family and his lawyers to cry out to the relevant authorities for action.

PISE-P in a statement by its Media Team on Monday also lent its voice to the call, urging the appropriate quarters to act on the plea without further delays.

The call is in consistent with the group’s pillar of Reconciliation, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction.

The group said that it was necessary to call on the Supreme Court to sign the CTC of the judgement since the required 14 days had passed.

“This is a part of the rules of natural justice, for both parties to be heard. The Government has through the judgement spoken, the most legal way for the citizen to respond is through having access to what the court has said and responding to it accordingly through other options available to him by our laws. To delay the signing is to delay justice and justice delayed is justice denied.

“We urge the Supreme Court and the registrars of the court to make the judgement available for those in charge to sign them”, the group stated.

PISE-P also urged Kanu’s family to, in the midst of the calls, be patient and avoid using volatile words that may further complicate the issues while it seeks political ways of pushing for the release of the IPOB leader through a non litigious means.

The group added that “the advocacy for peace in the south east project needs the support of all and sundry to achieve same and this includes the understanding of the family knowing full well that Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is very fundamental to the rebuilding of peace in the South East.”

In the meantime, PISE-P has also set up a team to facilitate the signing of the CTC expected to happen soon.


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