NNPC to deliver 20% of national petrol requirement

nnpc-2The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC, has said it aims to overcome its chaotic and crumbling refining sector to produce at least a fraction of the fuel the country needs to use.

NNPC’s Group Executive Director, Refining and Petrochemicals, Mr. Ian Udoh, who disclosed this, expressed the hope that domestic plants can cover 20 percent of Nigeria’s petroleum needs.

Udoh said that he expected to receive six cargoes a month of Nigerian Bonny Light and Escravos crude oil to run 180,000 barrels per day (bpd) or 40 percent, of Nigeria’s total refining capacity.

He expected to produce 8 million litres a day of petrol, accounting for about 20 percent of Nigeria’s estimated consumption.

The 125,000 bpd Warri refinery resumed last week after maintenance and is expected to run at 60,000 bpd. The Port Harcourt complex will start ramping up over the next one week but only the newer of the two plants at the site is functional and at 90,000 bpd versus its 150,000 bpd capacity.

“What I hope is to run at this level and prove that we can add value…The restriction after this would be crude supply,” Udoh said.

Nigeria’s refineries have been neglected for years, operating sometimes just at 20 percent capacity, and did not even have functioning gasoline producing units at one point, Udoh said.

He added that up to $1 billion would be needed to replace just one of the key pipelines and an overhaul of the jetties was necessary to receive more vessels.

The last refinery to restart will be the northern Kaduna refinery as it will take about two more weeks to repair the pipeline bringing crude from the Niger Delta.

He explained that during the last eight months, no crude was sent to the refineries. A government document also showed that the deliveries stopped last year but a month earlier, in October.

The country has wholly depended on subsidised fuel imports and crude-for-product swap agreements and suffered acute fuel shortages in May.

President Muhammadu Buhari, who oversaw much of the refining system’s development, has said he is keen to reduce reliance on costly and graft-ridden subsidised imports.

