No More Messages In Music; Baba Fryo Laments 

Veteran musician Baba Fryo has lamented the lack of messages in Nigeria’s music industry in recent times

Baba Fryo revealed this in an interview with the Sunday scoop, to him he believes musicians don’t address the truth anymore, as they lack the courage to do so. In his words, Baba Fryo said; “Some veteran artists don’t have the courage to sing the truth anymore” 

While he believes the realities today are not reflected in their music, he says he will continue to do his kind of music since he has the courage needed. “The youth have their kind of music, and the adults have theirs, I still sing my kind of music because I am courageous”

He also believes that the entertainment industry has lost his love side and brotherhood attributes, he reflects on his time as a growing person back then as compared to today, Fryo said; “Entertainers don’t help their colleagues, even when their colleagues post their problems, they don’t respond, there is no life in the entertainment business whether in movies or another”

Fryo also talks about the country’s politics in recent times, what he sees as a divide-and-rule game, in his words;  “My next song is based on the experience I had during the last election. 

Politicians have caused a lot of tribal division in the country. The only thing we can do with music is to bring everyone back together with love.”
