No Nigerian deserves less than N100,000 wage, says House of Reps

House of representatives

The House of Representatives, yesterday, asserted that no Nigerian worker could live with a wage less than N100,000.

It, therefore, resolved to raise an ad hoc committee to look into modalities for payment of living wages to Nigerian workers at rates that match current economic realities.

The resolution followed the adoption of a motion jointly sponsored by 40 members.

Moving the proposal on behalf of the sponsors, Aliyu Sani Madaki (NNPP, Kano), argued that the spiralling inflation in the land has made it difficult for an average Nigerian to afford basic necessities.

He added that the situation has impacted negatively on cost of living.

Observing that Nigeria is a signatory to the United Nations Universal Declaration on Human Rights and Article 23 of the Declaration which state that “every individual, who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration to ensure such a person and his or her family exist in dignity,” Madaki added eight out of the 17 principles of the 2023 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) require payment of a living wage.

The lawmaker recalled that when fuel subsidy was removed last May, the Federal Government offered palliatives to cushion its effects.

He, however, observed that the ameliorative impact has been overtaken by persistent rise in the cost of goods and services.

Madaki noted that amid recent wage awards by the President, the purchasing power of Nigerians remains low, owing to the alarming cost of living and free fall of the Naira.


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