Northern youths demand prosecution of oil thieves

Suspected oil thieves

Northern Youth Progressive Network has called for the prosecution of seven oil vessels recently arrested for oil theft in the Niger Delta region

The group called for the arrest, prosecution confiscation of assets both liquid and valuables to deter others from sabotaging the economy.

The convener of the group, Bala Mohammed during a press conference in Abuja, called on the government to demonstrate the political will in the fight against oil theft in Nigeria by prosecuting the seven vessels arrested by a private security firm and making the investigation public in line with the Freedom of Information Act.

While recalling that Tantitta Security Services recently arrested Mt Kali Vessel at the Pennington oil platform in Bayelsa State, among others, they called on the government not to undermine the genuine commitment of the security outfit over the years.

The group acknowledged that the security outfit, through its intelligence gathering and strategic collaborations, had demonstrated its effectiveness in curbing attacks on oil infrastructure in the Niger Delta.

According to them, collaborations by government security agencies with private security firms have helped to increase oil output from 500,000 barrels per day to 1.8 million barrels per day.

According to them, the Niger Delta region plays a crucial role in Nigeria’s economy, hence the need to support the extraction, production, and transportation of these resources for the nation’s stability.

“It is imperative that we address the underlying issues that contribute to attacks on these facilities, such as community grievances, environmental concerns, and socio- economic challenges.

“Environmental negligence in the Niger Delta has resulted in oil spills, pollution, and degradation of land, water bodies, and ecosystems. These spills and pollution have had devastating consequences on the livelihood of local communities, particularly those dependent on fishing and farming.

“The loss of these means of sustenance has led to economic hardships and food insecurity. The grievances of the communities in the Niger Delta stem from the perceived lack of benefits from the exploitation of their resources.”
