NPAN commiserates with Ekpu over wife’s death

Ray Eku

The Newspapers Proprietors’ Association Of Nigeria (NPAN) has condoled with renowned journalist and columnist, Ray Ekpu, over the death of his wife, Uyai.
NPAN in a statement yesterday by its President, Mr Kabiru Yusuf, stated that the passage has created a deep void in the nation’s socio-development landscape.

The ex-Editor-in-Chief/CEO of Newswatch, Ekpu, had announced the passing of his wife on Wednesday, stating that she died after a brief illness at age 73.
While condoling with the Ekpu’s family, NPAN noted that the late Mrs Ekpu left an enviable legacies as a thorough professional.

Mrs Ekpu, was a senior staff of the Centre for Management Development (CMD) and retired in 2010 as Acting Director, Management Education and Training Department.

“We pray the Almighty God will console and uphold each and everyone of you. Once again, our condolences,” NPAN said.


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