NSCDC moves to curb illegal mining, floats ‘Operation Hayakinkoko’

The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) has expressed readiness to tackle illegal mining in Nigeria.

The Commandant General of the Corps, Dr. Ahmed Audi, made this known at a meeting with the Minister of Solid Minerals Development, Dr. Dele Alake, yesterday in Abuja.

He explained that the NSCDC mining manual is to guide the agency’s mining squad codenamed ‘Operation Hayakinkoko’, in carrying out its responsibility.

Dr. Audi, who also represented the minister of Interior, Dr. Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo at the event, said the code-name, ‘Operation Hayakinkoko’ means smoking out all illegal miners who are responsible for the loss of huge national revenue in the mining sector.

“We are losing huge amounts of revenue from illegal mining activities, Olubunmi stated.

Presenting the operations manual to the 60-member Mining Marshal team, the minister explained that the personnel operations are expected to be guided by the document.

A the starter group was presented the the Minister, drawn across state commands based on credibility, and trained for effective service delivery to work with the ministry.

Other similar teams will be deployed across all the 36 States and the Federal Capital Territory, a statement from the Corps spokesman, Babawale Afolabi, contains.


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