NUJ, group condemn attack on journalists

THE Osun State chapter of the Nigeria Union of Journalists{NUJ} and a human rights group ,Centre for Human Rights and Social Justice {CHRSJ} have condemned the recent attack on journalists by labour leaders in the State.
The labour leaders had disagreed over a planned strike by a faction of Trade Union Congress led by Francis Adetunji to protest the non-payment of workers salaries by the State government. However, another faction led by Akinyemi Olatunji kicked against the move.

It was alleged that the Adetunji’s faction later invited persons suspected to be hoodlums who attacked their opponents and journalists covering the event. A cameraman of Channels Television, Mr Oloyede Oyegbenle was seriously wounded during the attack and his camera also seized.

In a statement, the State’s NUJ Vice-chairman, Kehinde Ayantunji, condemned the action of the labour leaders and queried why they had to resort to uncivilised means of resolving union matters.

Ayantunji who demanded the immediate release of the camera belonging to the Oyegbenle, added that Adetunji should apologise to the NUJ and Channels Television for the unruly conduct.

The CHRSJ which also condemned the barbaric attitude displayed by the labour leaders, alleging that the state government caused the division in the union in an attempt to stave off the workers’ planned strike.

In a statement jointly signed by the group’s Executive Chairman and Secretary Adeniyi Alimi Sulaiman and Abideen Adebayo respectively, they maintained that the attack on the journalists was uncalled for and callous.
They added that the attack was against the principles of Freedom of Information Act in the country and called on security agents to wake up from their slumber and protect the
lives of media practitioners while performing their constitutional duties.
They further stressed:‘’Governor Rauf Aregbesola -led administration is the brain behind the crisis that ensued between the
leadership of the State labour union ,but it is regrettable that those that are saddled with the responsibility to protect workers’ interest have allowed themselves to be divided’’
However, while reacting to the incident, the State Police Command said it had commenced investigation into the crisis.

