Obama turns 54

obamaSIR: Dear Mr. President, I do not envy you as a custodian of the most difficult job in the world. Your personality and how you handle difficult situations are what remotely corded me with you. Your grey hairs at your blossom age is a testimonial of your hardwork and indefatigability as the president of the most powerful nation in the world.

Your initial divine adventure into the White House was greeted with universal acceptance; as time went on, the onerous tasks of managing a troubled world dawned on us. But your vintage personality to use dialogue and understanding instead of war or grandstanding is a sound judgment. Nigeria owes you her appreciation for conscientising the immediate past government; to respect the wishes of millions of disgruntled citizens in the last general elections. 

Those with the misconceptions of your unblemished judgment on germane issues may not understand your roles now in an effort to shape the world for the common good of humanity, but your legacy to see a peaceful world devoid of fanaticism, racism, terrorism and divisiveness will be appreciated in years, decades and centuries to come. You’re engraving and etching your name in the sands of time.

As millions of people across the world rejoice with you and your quintessential family to celebrate your birthday, may you continue to shine; and be as constant as the northern star. May your cool demeanor, calm persona, oratorical communication style continue to dazzle us and your adversaries.

Happy birthday President Barack Obama.
• Yahaya Balogun,
Arizona, USA.



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