Obiora Miracle Nzubechukwu: I started my cleaning services to put myself through school


Show me a woman who is passionate about her work, and I will point my compass at Nzubechukwu Miracle Obiora, popularly called “Celebrity Cleaner”. She loves her job, and she does it with relish and pleasure. A native of Uga in Aguata Local Council of Anambra State, she is a graduate of Criminology and Security Studies from Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University (COOU), Anambra State, Nigeria. Miracle is the CEO of Mummies Professional Cleaning Services (MPCS) located in Awka, Anambra State. The hardworking professional service provider has handled several commercial and industrial cleaning in the East and South-south, and it is willing to extend its tentacles to other parts of the country. It’s known for their excellence in delivering topnotch services to the satisfaction of its clients. She shares her story in this exclusive interview with Esther Ijewere.

Childhood Influence
Yes, my childhood prepared me a lot, and I owe my hustling and building spirit to my guardian (Mrs Joy Udoji), who happens to be my aunt from my father’s side. She took me in after my last mother passed, and I remembered vividly I was four years when she brought me to Lagos.

She is still a hustler that never gives up, so growing; she really embedded in me that hustling spirit. My childhood wasn’t boring nor was it full of excitement, but it was good; we were just an average family in Lagos living day by day.

Why I Went Into Cleaning Services?
Initially, I started the cleaning to see myself through school, so as to bypass unwarranted insults from lecturers. But as time went by, I found joy in it; the peace and the comfort that comes with knowing that I can solve these problems and make a person happy.

Inspiration Behind Mummies Professional Cleaning Services
Honestly, the inspiration behind it was God. The first year I was about to start my business, I remember kneeling down to pray for a name to call my business, and the only words that kept ringing in my mouth was ‘Mummies,’ and till this day, that was the only name I can remember.

The Journey So Far
Honestly, it’s been God. Some days are rainy, some days are sunny, but everyday, I keep seeing new methods and techniques in reaching my goal.

We offer commercial cleaning services, industrial-cleaning services, which is mostly known as post construction cleaning for residential and private houses. We also do staff maintenance for houses and also handle marble and terrazzo polishing. We also handle 3D epoxy flooring; we are very good at before event and after event cleaning both on commercial and private level. We also do interlock polishing and compound washing.

Mostly, it is just clients we feel may not be satisfied, but we are quite professional when dealing with them.

Other Project And Activities
No ongoing projects for now, I’m more concerned towards growing and pushing Mummies to a very high and well-known level.

What I Enjoy Most About My Job
The experiences it brings; both the good and bad. I also enjoy the fact that I meet high personnel that always need my services, and the exposure it brings whenever we get to other states in Nigeria to work; it’s kind of a tourist journey for me. And most importantly, the fact I fix cleaning problems in people’s environment.

Three Women Who Inspire Me
MO Abudu – recently, she made it to Harvard course. She’s exceptional, a groundbreaking goal getter that has been challenging the status quo in the media industry.
Genevieve Nnaji – she’s a silent achiever, and doesn’t make any noise. I mean, she is the definition of a silent billionaire in the Igbo tribe.
Ovaiosa – This lady is the true definition of hardwork. I am amazed everyday with the way she goes out there in the world and gets it.

Managing My Business During The Pandemic
Relevancy, consistency, and awareness. The COVID-19 issue was a nice marketing tool for us, because it helped us create an avenue for people to see the benefit of using a cleaning company to disinfect and clean your house.

If I Could Change One Thing In The Cleaning Services Business
Under-rating and under pricing from clients. It still baffles me how people are able to build houses of over millions of naira, and when it gets to the aspect of giving you a spotless and sparkling environment, you begin to under price a cleaning company. I always try to explain to my client that my services are premium, the mental and physical work I and my team put in, are very sophisticated.

To Young Women Who Want To Go Into My Line Of Business
First, get the knowledge and experience from a good cleaning company. I personally was trained and I worked for three different cleaning companies before I started.

Secondly, don’t go into the business with a quick money mindset. My dear, mark my word, ‘the first six months, you are likely to give up.’ Go in with the mindset of creating solutions; it is the passion that will keep you in business.

Then, make research on your own; learn new methods and skills in the janitorial industry. Lastly, have God; you will need Him a lot.

Why They Call Me ‘Celebrity Cleaner’
It is actually ‘Royal Celebrity Cleaner.’ About 60 per cent of all the jobs we do are mostly from Royal families, and so, technically, I am a royal cleaner.

Being A Woman Of Rubies
My ability to be a goal getter. I am a woman of rubies because I see my sisters rising and breaking the tides in every industry in the world and I am super proud that we are no longer confined to the backyard, but we are now leading.



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