Oborevweri swears in last three commissioners eight months after

Delta State governor Sheriff Oborevwori

• Says Delta ranks first in criminal justice reforms

Delta State Governor, Sheriff Oborevwori, finally caved in to pressure to swear in the last three commissioners of his cabinet eight months after he took office.

Hitherto, there was disquiet among politicians in the state and other stakeholders over the deliberate delay by the governor to complete the circle of his cabinet with bashings from all angles. But following yesterday’s swearing of the last batch of commissioners, the governor has put to rest all fears and apprehension.

The new commissioners are Ekemejero Ohwovoriole, Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice; Dr. Ifeanyi Michael Osuoza, Commissioner for Information and Prince Kelly Kalanama Penawou, Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs.

Oborevwori during the swearing in Asaba, the State capital, described the new Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice, as a brilliant and capable lawyer schooled in the best traditions of legal practice.

While Osuoza is a tested hand and avid communicator in the field of political communication and information management, having served meritoriously as the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) State Publicity Secretary in the last eight years. The governor also described Penawou as a grassroots politician of immense stature with extensive experience in local government administration.

He challenged the new Attorney-General to sustain the state’s pace setter role in Criminal Justice Reforms, adding that state’s criminal justice laws are considered widely to be 21st century-compliant, especially with recourse to technology.

Oborevwori noted that the state ranks first among states in the country in Criminal Justice Reforms by the Abuja-based Centre for Socio-Legal Studies.


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