Obroevwori offers employment to DELSU’s best student

Sheriff Oborevwori

The overall best-graduating student of Delta State University (DELSU), Abraka, Ilebe Joshua, with 4.82 CGPA, Faculty of Pharmacy, was, at the weekend, offered automatic employment by the Delta State Governor, Sheriff Oborevwori.

Ilebe was declared the overall best student among the 4,776 graduands awarded degrees and diploma certificates by the institution.Speaking at the 16th Convocation of DELSU, where he announced the job offer for the pharmacy graduate, Oborevweri said: “As you requested for a job, I will not hesitate to consider it; so, the job for you is automatic.”

The governor also commended the Ovie of Idjerhe Kingdom, His Royal Majesty, Monday Obukohwo Whiskey, Udurhie 1, who was awarded an honourary Doctor of Philosophy in Mass Communication.

He, however, urged other graduands not to think only of getting a paid job, but to also go for entrepreneurial and other useful skills.He said: “As you launch out into the world today, it is my earnest expectation that you will put to good use the academic knowledge and life lessons you have garnered during your sojourn in School.

“The degrees and awards you receive today attest to your ability to function in your chosen discipline.

“Now, it is up to you to prove to the world that the confidence that the school has reposed in you is not misplaced.”


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