Of Ronaldo… Of Messi…. Of Sheriff!

My first encounter with Rt. Hon Sheriff Francis Oborevwori, I found him to be quite articulate unlike the perception about him…however, I thought perhaps it was because he did not speak for long. Then, a second time and still same… He was rather very articulate and communicated well but what really sealed it for me was the third time and his train of thought. It was very obvious (to me) that he was not just articulate but more intelligent than people gave him credit for.

As I listened to him speak, someone shouted “Grace” as if to say… His rise was one that was predicated on God’s grace but he stopped them and said… He believes that God had mercy on him. And that his rise and eventual win will be primarily by the mercies of God.

The recent win of Argentina at the 2022 World Cup in Qatar is proof that it’s not him that willeth but him whom God has shown Mercy (Messi). Romans 9:16.

You see, I’m a Ronaldo guy… Maybe because of how my life has been where almost all my successes have been largely (in my mind) due to hard work. This is why CR7 appeals to me. I see myself in him… a diligent worker with the goal on his mind. This is not to take away the hard work Messi puts in, however watching them play… you would agree that Messi plays in a way that is often attributed to Natural Talent. To me, both stories are important as we all cannot be the same.

Notwithstanding, the edge one can have in this beautiful world of “Ours” is to align themselves with the Perfect will of God. As many Christians will say, God does not call the Qualified, He qualifies the called. It is therefore my personal opinion that Rt. Hon Sheriff Francis Oborevwori is the Called one for Delta State this 2023.

The leading attributes I have seen him show are:

1. Genuine Empathy – most people in leadership positions in Nigeria have no empathy. It’s often a selfish grab of resources but Sheriff comes off as someone that understands my pains and the pains of Deltans.

2. Listening – again, many leaders in the Nigerian context do not even relate with the populace let alone listen to them. I’ve seen Rt. Hon Sheriff Francis Oborevwori listen and SOLVE pressing issues by being factual and taking the line of peace.

3. Intelligence : a smart man with his ears to the ground, Rt. Hon Sheriff is not easily fooled. He knows who is who and what each is doing. The backdrop for such a skill is years of deep loyalty based on honest truth from his personal structure. With the advent of “Yes Men”, a leader must be able and willing to hear the hard truth with the intent to solve it, not escalate it.

In all, Delta State will be better off with a Governor like Rt. Hon Sheriff Francis Oborevwori. If you are undecided on whom to Vote for come February 2023. Vote for a man you are two phone calls away from getting your message to him… as well as one whose heart is in the betterment of Deltans genuinely.

My Name is Yarhere Teria, a founder, product Manager and IT and media consultant. I’m Sheriffied!

