Ogun court releases teenager involved in killing of girl friend

An Abeokuta Magistrates’ Court has released 17-year- old Waris Oladehinde, who was among the four boys arrested for killing their girlfriend in Ogun State.
The Guardian  learnt that Chief Magistrate I. O Abudu released Oladehinde,  based on the legal advice received from the state Director of Public Prosecution.
The state police command, who confirmed the release, yesterday, said the suspect was released at  the instance of the court.

Two of the accused boys have confessed that while the third accused boy allowed them to burn the head in his house, Oladehinde only walked in after the deed had been done to pay a visit.
It was gathered that the exoneration seemed complex because the beheading took place in the middle of the night and people do not visit their friends in the night.
Efforts by The Guardian to get the Magistrate and the DPP to react couldn’t fly at the time of the report.
A witness, who spoke on condition of anonymity,  explained that Oladehinde went to his friends’ place at about 11:00p.m. Recall that the suspects, identified as Balogun Mustaqeem, 20; Majekodunmi Soliudeen, 18; Abdulgafar Lukman, 19; and Waris Oladeinde, 18, were arrested on January 28, 2022 , while they were burning the head of their victim, Sofiat, Majekodunmi’s girlfriend.
The teenagers were then remanded in Oba Correctional Centre in Obafemi-Owode Local Council of the state after being arraigned on two counts of conspiracy and murder Further hearing on the matter has been adjourned till April 2.
