Ogun government orders shops, markets closed over sanitation

lag-sanitationSHOPS and market stalls in Ifo, Obada-Oko and Owode-Ijako were all ordered to be shut on Monday by the Ogun State Government for operating in dirty environments.

The order was handed down by the Deputy Governor of the state, Mrs Yetunde Onanuga, after monitoring the level of compliance with environmental sanitation regulations by shop owners and market women in parts of the state.

The Deputy Governor, who visited Ewekoro, Ifo and Ado-Odo/Ota Local Councils, insisted that government would ensure strict compliance to environmental sanitation laws in homes and business places Onanuga appealed to traders in the affected markets to ensure regular cleaning of their environment, to avoid clampdown in the future.

She also called on the people of the state to stop disposing their wastes in drains and road medians, adding that a clean environment would help to enhance the productivity of the people.

She also reiterated the state’s commitment to environmental sanitation and its resolve to punish non-compliance, stressing that government would continue to enlighten the general public on the importance of a clean environment to healthy living and socio-economic development.

