Ogun monarch in naira abuse controversy regrets action, tenders apology

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The Olu Owode-Egba in Obafemi Owode Local Council of Ogun State, Oba Kolawole Sowemimo, has tendered an apology to the Federal Government over his alleged abuse of naira.

Sowemimo, in a viral video, had knitted N1,000 notes in the form of a long rope of naira and hung it on the neck of popular Fuji musician, Wasiu Ayinde Marshal, while celebrating his wife’s birthday.

The development had generated outrage on social media with many Nigerians condemning the monarch’s action.

But the Federal Government, through the National Orientation Agency (NOA), yesterday, had written a letter to the monarch, warning him about his action and consequently threatened him with a jail term for the act of naira abuse.

In the letter to the monarch, Director-General of NOA, Lanre Issa-Onilu, said his action attracts imprisonment.

However, Sowemimo, who spoke on the issue, regretted his actions and promised to desist from such acts in future.

The monarch said that he was carried away with the euphoria of his wife’s birthday, which triggered his action.
