Oil Theft: Group backs Naval Chief on seizure of MT PRAISEL, MT KALL, others

Vice Admiral Emmanuel Ogalla.

The continuous seizure of MT PRAISEL, MT KALL,MT TURA, MT VANNALARIS vessels allegedly used in the attempt to steal crude oil has elicited the support of the Civil Society for Peace, Security and Development (CSPSD).

The CSPSD led by Mr Obadiah Ovye at a press conference in Abuja argued that the development spoke volume of the resolve by the Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Emmanuel Ogalla to curb the activities of saboteurs and oil thieves in the country.

The group argued that the case of MT PRAISEL, MT KALI, cited by Ogalla’s antagonists has only exposed the ignorance of those behind this malicious media attacks against him.

“For the avoidance of doubt, the Nigerian Navy has clear procedural requirements in the arrest, detention and release of any vessel or persons found culpable of any crime in the maritime environment,” it noted.

“ It is until these processes are duly concluded that such vessels are released to appropriate prosecuting agencies for further actions. This is what the Nigerian Navy is doing, but the owners of such vessels feel misinforming the public about true state of affairs and blackmailing the Naval boss will save them prosecution.

“This is malicious and a calculated attempt to tarnish the good image and reputation of the Chief of Naval Staff as well as the entire Nigerian Navy.

The group also faulted the claim that the Naval Chief is involved in procurement fraud and contract splitting, in violation of the Procurement Act.

The group maintained that the Nigerian Navy has a reputation of due diligence and there’s no way the Chief of Naval Staff would award or oversee oil bunkering contracts.

It added: “It is painful that while discharging its constitutional duty, that Nigerian Navy is coming under attacks and some media houses are complicit in this attack. The Navy is empowered to monitor Nigeria’s maritime assets and it is doing so with distinction.

“Those who are threatened by the giant strides of the Nigerian Navy should not be allowed to use your platforms to spread lies and hate. As a civil society organisation, we applaud the Nigerian Navy under Emmanuel Ogalla for blocking the conduits from where our commonwealth was siphoned by a few.

“The increase in revenue has already started making visible impacts with increased Federal allocations and many legacy projects.

“We, therefore, urge Nigerians, to disregard the antics of saboteurs and their sponsors who are fighting to have a change of leadership at the Navy to someone they can manipulate.”

The group, thereby, passed a vote of confidence on the Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Emmanuel Ogalla over the ongoing effort to restore sanity to our maritime domain.


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