Okada union begs Niger govt to lift ban on operation

Motorcycle Operators Union of Nigeria (MOUN), Niger State chapter, has appealed to the state government to lift the ban placed on its members and the restriction from plying certain routes.

The Chairman, Shafi’i Maishara, while speaking to journalists after the inauguration of new officials of the union at the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) Secretariat, Minna, yesterday, disclosed that the union is an affiliate of NLC, with the mandate to ensure that all members conduct themselves within the ambit of the law.
According to him, the ban of Okada has affected the livelihoods of many homes, who depend on the job, and appealed to the state government to review the ban and restriction placed on some streets and roads. The union inaugurated chairmen and secretaries of the 35 branches of the union across the 25 local councils in the state.

Maishara maintained that the union was also saddled with the responsibility of regulating the activities of all Okada riders to ensure the safety of the public and other road users.

He noted that in no distant time, the union would organise seminars to educate motorcyclists on traffic rules, respect for other road users, as well as maintenance of law and other during their operations.
“I am aware there were other unions similar to ours; those unions were registered under Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC), while our union is registered under the Trade Union Act as a trade union. We need to work together,” he said. 
The MOUN boss had promised that other sister unions in the state would be carried along in all activities such as seminar and sensitisation to achieve desired objectives.  He appreciated Niger State Police Command and other security agencies for the synergy with the union, assuring them of the union’s loyalty at all times.
Revealing that the law banning Okada in some local councils of the state is still in force, he explained that the ban was as a result of some bad eggs masquerading as MOUN members.  He pledged that with a formidable union in place, all members would be trained on information gathering that would assist the security agencies curb crimes.


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