Okonjo-Iweala in Nigeria, pledges support for economy, women, entrepreneurs

The Director-General, World Trade Organisation (WTO), Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, being presented with a bouquet of flowers on arrival at the Presidential Wing of the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja, yesterday. With her is the Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment, Dr. Nasir Sani-Gwarzo (second left) and other officials of the ministry.

The Director-General, World Trade Organisation (WTO), Dr. (Mrs.) Ngozi Okonjo- Iweala, who began her historic visit to her home country, Nigeria, yesterday, promised that WTO will explore areas it can assist to Nigeria’s economy.

Okonjo-Iweala also assured that support for women and entrepreneurs is dear to her heart. The WTO boss, who is visiting the country for the first time since assumption of office, explained that Nigeria women and entrepreneurs, who have been playing active role in economic development of nations would receive WTO support.

The two-time former Nigeria’s Minister of finance arrived at Nnamdi Azikwe International Airport at about noon, yesterday, where she was received by the Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment, Dr. Nasiru Sani Gwarzo and other top government officials.

The former Minister, in a short interview with the media at her Abuja private residence, gave insights into the consultation she would be having with government officials during her brief working visit.

Asked how WTO would assist Nigeria and Africa in the implementation of African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), she said WTO would explore ways to help Nigeria and Africa deepen volume of trade in the continent.

In a brief remark, Gwarzo revealed that WTO DG’s home-coming is a unique opportunity to express gratitude to Nigerians and the world at large for their huge support and roles played in her election.

Okonjo-Iweala officially resumed duty on March 1, 2021 at WTO headquarters located in Geneva, Switzerland. WTO is an international organisation responsible for managing and enforcing the rules of international trade.


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