Oleh Knights charged to step up

Oleh Diocesan Council of Knights during their retreat at Ibru Centre Agbarha-otor, Delta State

The Council of Knights of the Diocese of Oleh, Delta State and their ladies have been enjoined to step up. This was the thrust of the Retreat held at Ibru Centre Agbarha-otor, between February 5 and 7, with the theme, Advance taken from Deut. 2:2-3.

Different speakers at the Retreat, including the Diocesan Bishop, Rt. Rev. John Aruakpor, President of the Council of Knights, Sir (Dr.) Patrick Akporuno, Council Chaplain, Rev Canon Sir John D. Okoh, Agoghene Owhekugbe, Sir Matthias Eto and Ven E.A. Ogbuzie, advised them to make impact in the church and society.

Members also embarked on fasting and prayer to seek God’s face for averting calamities facing them. The Retreat was rounded off with re-dedication of the Council members.
