Olubadan suspends Egungun festivals over arson, looting

The Olubadan of Ibadanland, Oba Lekan Balogun, Alli Okunmade II, yesterday, suspended the ongoing yearly Egungun festival in Ibadan, following reported cases of violence, arson and looting of shops by some yet-to-be identified hoodlums.

According to a statement by his Personal Assistant (Media), Oladele Ogunsola, the Olubadan also summoned all leaders of masquerades, known as Alaagbaa, in Ibadanland, to an emergency meeting today at the ancient Aliiwo Palace, Agodi in Ibadan.

Balogun described the development as unfortunate and an affront on his palace after he had vehemently warned against the festival being turned into avenue to wreak havoc when the festival was to begin.

He said: “I warned seriously against what is happening when the festival was to commence and the assurances I got then were that nothing untoward would accompany the festival. But the reports coming to me have been at variance with those assurances I earlier got from the masquerades’ leaders.

“No responsible leader would fold his arms or put on the cap of I care less when majority of his subjects are in agony and living in perpetual fear just because of the activities of a few misguided elements who find it difficult to be law abiding. This is why the suspension clause has to be invoked and how long it lasts would be determined by the outcome of the meeting of tomorrow,” the monarch noted.

The Olubadan insisted that the ugly past, when the masquerade festival was usually a period of terror when perceived enemies became targets of attack and violence, had been buried a long time ago and any attempt to exhume it would be met with stiff sanctions.

“I use this medium to call on security agencies to remain up and doing and ensure no culprit is spared. Whoever flouts the suspension order under whatever guise must be handled like a criminal. I am for peace and there is zero-tolerance for whatever it is that will not give the people peace of mind,” Balogun added.


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