Oluwaseyi Olufemi Emmanuel shares his journey in this exclusive interview

Oluwaseyi Olufemi Emmanuel’s journey of becoming an artist is nothing less than amazing. As a teen from a minority neighborhood in Nigeria, he dealt with lots of difficulties however never quit on his dream. Today he is a reputable music artist.

Just how are you doing as well as just how have you been holding up with whatever that has been going on?

I’m simply trying to be pretty chill regarding every little thing. I’m actually quite cool concerning it since when you allow things bother you, it simply becomes excessive and you have to manage the anxiety. So, I’m pretty cool about every little thing, you understand.

What was the first moment you know that music is something you wished to do?

I have actually constantly been doing music and also it is something that has been a part of my family. I originate from an extremely music family so I would not state there was a certain time it’s has been something that I wanted to do. I ‘d say it’s been the timing for me and also there have actually been times throughout the years where I have actually been like not now, I’ll do it later, however it’s been at the back of my mind that it was something I was always going to do.

What have you got in your pockets today?
Lol, my phone and also wallet.

Who would you claim influenced you the most musically maturing?

I would certainly state people around me. Actually also before I did anything now, individuals have always been urging me to do songs, so they definitely affected in that sense.

What was your last dream about?
I have very vivid dreams. In some cases, I can actually lucidly dream, and get up with so much detail of what it had to do with. Often, I do not remember anything – ha-ha, last night was just one of those.

What do you believe is the key to your success?

With all the difficulties I faced, I constantly remembered my roots. I had actually left everything behind to seek my interest, and I made a resolve to never ever surrender. I think that having the nerve to face challenges head-on and also remaining concentrated on my objectives has aided me become who I am today.

What was the last fun thing you did?

I enjoyed a show on TELEVISION. Each day is enjoyable for me.

When you started making your very own songs, having done covers online and after that producing your own original stuff was that simply something that you were experimenting with or did you constantly recognize that was what you wanted to do?
It was much more like let me simply see where this is mosting likely to go. I was just doing it for fun and see what was mosting likely to occur. I started seeing individuals’ reactions to the covers and also it was simply mind-blowing to me. I had not been anticipating it at all.

How tall are you?
About 5′ 7,8″.

Do you believe in aliens?

In a feeling, yes. I assume there’s a great deal of things that us human beings have no concept about. We are literally simply a speck in a huge world, I seem like there couldn’t not be a types like aliens out there.

Beyond music, what various other things do you like doing?
It’s between simply binge-watching programs and also with the computer system. I just watched a program “Prince of Peoria” and I am presently seeing “No Good Nick”. Before Prince of Peoria, it was Family Reunion. Family Reunion was actually a beautiful show.

As someone that is a new artist as well as is putting out their very first job during these different times, what has that resembled for you?

Firstly, I am extremely thankful for everyone. The trip up until now has actually been outstanding, from meeting followers who identify me, sending me messages, and also praying for me the entire point has actually been great to see and experience. I seem like now I am just going with the flow and appreciating myself taking every little thing in and also taking pleasure in the minute as best as I can.

What’s your biggest fear?
My biggest fear is losing someone I love.

At what point did you come to be particular that music was something you wished to go after as a career?
Well, I can’t actually remember yet it has constantly gotten on my mind as well as since I was in the children choir at that time. I have always been in the choir anywhere I go due to the fact that I like playing the piano and also, I love singing.

Outside of music what are some things that influence as well as motivate your creative thinking?

God is certainly my influence. I am significantly in contact with my faith. Also, the people that I border myself with, I am really intentional about the people I have around me and the energy around me, I like to be around positive power.

Have you ever before been outlawed from somewhere?


If you could have a superpower of your deciding on, what would certainly it be?
To fly.

What have you learnt on your journey thus far?

I seem like I have absolutely learned more regarding perseverance and also how if you are patient, good things will certainly come to you. When it involves mentally, I have grown because I am extremely patient with a lot of things, I offer myself time, time to recover, time to discover, time to learn.

Oluwaseyi Olufemi Emmanuel journey of beginning with ground zero as well as not quitting on his dream has led him to become one of the breakout musician and teen in his field.

