Omi Ukpoka: Corn Soup Of Edo People

Corn soup locally known as omi ukpoka,  is the common native soup of the Edo people. However belonging particularly to the Afemai people, largely from Agenebode in northern parts situated by the banks of the Niger River in Edo State, South-South part of Nigeria. This delicious local cuisine omi ukpoka, is a corn-based soup combined with smoked fish and sparse use of greens.

It’s however relatable in texture to ofe nsala. Needless to say, it’s a soup that can fit a budget.

Try out the relishing omi ukpoka (corn soup) on your next visit to Edo state and thank me later.


  • 1 cooking spoon PalmOil
  • 2 balls of grounded nutmeg
  • 1 piece Uda  ground down and deseeded
  • 1tsp ground Uziza 
  • Meat 
  • Smoked fish
  • Roughly blended dry corn
  • Fresh Pepper 
  • Seasoning cubes and salt to taste


  • Clean up the meat, spice and steam steam till it’s cooked.
  • Then add the  the smoked fish and any other protein you desire top up you spice.
  • Add the palm oil with more water allow to boil for 5 minutes. 
  • Reduce the heat and stir in the roughly grounded corn mixing quickly to avoid lumps. 
  • Allow to cook for 5-7minutes  to thicken.
  • Then put in the  Uziza leaves and cook for 1 minute and the soup is ready.
  • Serve with swallow of your choice; pounded yam, Eba, Fufu or semo-vita.


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