SELF esteem is perhaps the most important element that makes up that critical attitude for success that gives an individual the Winner's Edge in life. It is that inside the skin feeling of your own worth. "You see, I like myself, I really like myself. I am gland I'm me. It had rather been me than anyone else living at this true in history." This is the self-talk of a winner, and positive self-talk is the key to developing self-esteem.


On the Path of Winners – Only Winners can Afford Modesty

Winners develop strong belief of self worth-and self confidence. They weren’t born with those good feelings, but as with every other habit, they have learned to like themselves through practice. One true indicator of a person’s opinion of himself is the way he can accept a compliment and the way he qualifies himself in advance. In other words, losers constantly lead with their chin, they talk themselves down, and lack the ability to accept any value paid by others.


It is incredible how low achievers belittle and demean themselves when others try to pay them value. Avoid the self-talk of losers which invite apologies and value rejection. The self image listens and records. The person with low self esteem. Believes that the quality of humility should be pushed over the cliff into humorous humiliation. The devastating fact is that the self image is always listening. Sadly, it accepts these negative barbs as facts to store as reality, for the mind cannot differentiate fact from fancy.

Current research on the effects of words and images on the functions of the human body offers amazing testimony of the power of the spoken word on body functions as monitored on bio-feedback equipment. That’s why winners rarely put themselves down in actions or words. But losers fall into the trap of saying: “I can’t”; but I will try.”

An example of the failure syndrome was the scientific study of a tribe in South America who had been dying prematurely from a strange malady for many generations. It was finally discovered that the disease was caused by the bite of an insect, which lives in the walls of their homes. The natives were offered several solutions: they can destroy the insects with an insecticide; they can destroy and rebuild their homes; they can move to another location or they can continue to live there and die early, just as they have done for generations. They chose to remain as they are and die early.

Many people have a similar attitude about personal development. Though they know that learning brings change, but they resist change. They know many overcame enormous obstacle to become great, but they can’t imagine it happening to them and resign themselves to be also ran in life. These low achievers learn the habit of concentrating on their failures and the negative events in their lives with self talk that reinforces the losing cycle.

Because losers are controlled by external standards set by others, they often set their sights too high. This explains why so many people have permanent potential. Which is why they almost succeed over and over, having fleeting successes, but which fail to materialise into a solid success lifestyle.

Indeed, only winners can afford modesty. The tendency to show off many toys and trappings of affluence and material success tell others that we are really lacking in self-esteem or self worth than the fact that we can afford it. Thus, only an individual who has a strong sense of self-respect or self-esteem can afford to project a modest image to the community. Therefore, winners can project success without flaunting it. Winners may not always be able to buy the most expensive things, but they always do the very best with what they can afford.

Winners display a simple, radiating charm. They project that warm glow that comes from the inside outwards. They transmit self esteem with a smile, which is the language that opens doors, melts defences and saves a thousand words. A smile is the light in your window that tells others there is a caring, sharing person inside.

Moreover, the real winner, whether in sports, business or the professions, has accepted his own uniqueness, feels comfortable with his image and is willing to let others know and accept him just as he is. Interestingly however, such a person naturally attracts friends and supporters. He seldom has to stand alone. Winners know that contrary to popular belief this feeling of self acceptance and deserving isn’t necessarily a legacy from wise and loving parents.

History is replete with saints who rose from gutters and literal monsters who grew up in a loving families. Recognising their own uniqueness, winners develop and maintain their own high standards. Most successful people believe in their own worth, even when they have nothing but a dream to hold onto. Indeed, more than any other quality, self esteem is the door to high achievement and happiness.

Here are some action reminders to help you develop more of the attitude of self-esteem. One, dress and look your best at all times despite pressures from your friends and peers. Two, take inventory of your good reasons for self esteem today. Write down your blessings, what you are thankful to Jehovah for, what you have done that you are proud of so far. Also write out your goals, dreams and ambitions.

Three, set out your own internal standards rather than comparing yourself to others. Four, volunteer your name first in any telephone call and whenever you meet someone new. Five, respond with a simple “thank you” whenever anyone pays you a compliment. Six, focus on using uplifting adjectives about yourself because they are being recorded subconsciously by others and you own subconscious.

Seven, sit down and create the best horoscope for yourself on paper. Seek out authorities with proven records of achievement after whom to model your winning habits. Eight, always look people in the eyes. Concentrate on direct eye contact when speaking to others. Keep a self development plan ongoing at all times. Write it out on paper, the knowledge you will require, the behaviour modifications you will achieve, the changes in your life that will result.

In the study of winners who have pulled themselves from modest beginnings with self esteem was Anwar Sadat, the peasant boy who was falsely imprisoned for treason as an officer in Egypt’s army. Yet he went on to become Egypt’s President. Mohammed Anwar Sadat was born on Christmas day in 1918, at Mit Abu Alkum, Egypt. He was an Egyptian army officer and statesman who was president of Egypt from 1970 until his assassination in 1981.

Sadat graduated from Cairo Military Academy in 1938. In World War II he plotted to expel the British from Egypt with the help of the Germans. Thus, the British imprisoned him in 1942, he later escaped. Thereafter he joined Gamal Abdel Nasser to overthrow the monarchy in an armed coup in 1952. He supported Nasser’s election to the presidency in 1956. Sadat held offices of Vice President (1964 – 66, 196-70). He became acting President upon Nasser’s death in 1970 and was elected President in a plebiscite.

As president, it was in diplomacy that Sadat made his mark. Feeling that the Soviet Union gave him inadequate support in his confrontation with Israel, Sadat expelled the Soviets from Egypt in 1972. In 1973 with Syria, he attacked Israel with the Egyptian army achieving a surprise victory in the Sinai Peninsula. Sadat came out of the war with an enhanced prestige as the first Arab leader to actually retake some territory from Israel.

After the war, Sadat worked for peace in the Middle East, visiting Israel in 1977. During the visit he laid his peace plan before the Israeli Parliament in Jerusalem. This initiated a series of diplomatic efforts that Sadat continued despite strong opposition at home, the Arab world and the Soviet Union.

Together with Prime Minister Menachem Begin of Israel, Sadat was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1978. Continued peace efforts resulted in the signing in March 1979 of a treaty of peace between Egypt and Israel, the first treaty between Israel and any other Arab nation. Owing to internal opposition to the treaty and subsequent worsening economic crisis, Sadat was assassinated while reviewing a military parade commemorating the Arab Israeli war of 1973. Sadat’s autobiography, In Search of Identity, was published in 1978.

