Onu explains need for sports as tool for national integration

Minister of Science and Technology, Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu, has said that participation in sports can be an important ingredient for national integration and unity.

Speaking when he received the president of the board of Organisation of Military Sports in Africa (OSMA), Brig. Gen Mohammed Abdullahi, in his office in Abuja, Onu said sporting activities, especially by Military personnel in the Sahel region, would create peace in the region and foster regional socio-economic development.

“Sporting activities will place emphasis on factors uniting this country and downplay factors dividing us,” he said, adding that his ministry was contributing to Nigeria’s sports development. He said that the National Research Institute of Chemical Technology (NARICT), one of the ministry’s agencies, was involved in the production of world-class footballs.

Onu urged Nigerian youths to always remember that they are the nation’s greatest assets and treasure, adding that youths must have immense faith in the country.

He urged youths to contribute their quota to national development, promising that his ministry would continue to support and conduct research on sports development.

Earlier, the president of the board of Organisation of Military Sports in Africa, Brig. Gen Mohammed Abdullahi, said his organisation has made the minister its patron for the forthcoming Sahel Military Games in October.

He added that Nigeria would host the Sahel Military Games, which will feature 16 nations.


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