Operator advocates local cloud hosting for Nigerian businesses

A local operator, Layer3Cloud, has advocated local cloud hosting for Nigerian businesses. Layer3Cloud said in today’s digital landscape, having a reliable and efficient online presence is crucial for any business, saying cloud hosting offers a scalable and cost-effective solution.

Making a case for its expertise in it, Layer3 said it offers firms greater advantages including offering reduced latency and improved performance; providing enhanced data security and compliance; providing direct and local support and cost-effectiveness and flexibility.
Layer3’s Head of Strategy and Business Development, David Ita, said ‘Distance matters,’ emphasising, “By hosting your data and applications within Nigeria, you minimise the physical distance between your users and your resources. This translates to significantly faster loading times, smoother user experiences, and ultimately, higher customer satisfaction.”
In terms of security, he said data privacy and security are paramount concerns for businesses of all sizes, stressing that when choosing a local cloud provider, the user gains greater control over where data resides and who has access to it.
According to him, Layer3 Cloud adheres to strict Nigerian data protection regulations, providing peace of mind knowing your sensitive information is safeguarded.
On direct, local support, the firm said navigating the complexities of cloud technology can be challenging. “With a local provider like Layer3Cloud, you benefit from readily available support from experts who understand the unique needs of businesses in Nigeria. They offer 24/7 assistance in your time zone, eliminating communication barriers and ensuring prompt resolution to any issues.”
Ita said international cloud services often incur additional charges due to currency fluctuations and data transfer fees. “Choosing a local provider eliminates these concerns and offers transparent, competitive pricing tailored to the Nigerian market. Additionally, their flexible plans and scalability options allow you to pay only for the resources you need, optimizing your cloud spend.”


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