Opposition lawmakers, northerners differ on APC’s endorsement of 10th House of Reps leadership

House of representatives
Amid endorsement of the coming 10th leadership of the House of Representatives by All Progressives Congress (APC), a coalition, under the aegis of New Dawn, has identified with the ruling party.

Asserting that the next leadership can’t be pocketed by the executive, the members-elect maintained that Tajudeen Abbas and Benjamin Kalu’s adoption as Speaker and Deputy Speaker was in the interest of the nation and citizens.
The over 100-member group, with membership cutting across political parties, made its position known after a meeting in Abuja. 
In a communiqué read by the convener, member-elect for Esan West, Central and Igueben Federal Constituency and outgoing Speaker of Edo State House of Edo State House of Assembly, Marcus Onobun, said the move followed a wide consultation with stakeholders.

The document reads: “We, members of the New Dawn Caucus of 10th Assembly, House of Representatives, having reviewed composition of the 10th Assembly vis-à-vis the need for an inclusive leadership, which will give a sense of belonging to all members, irrespective of their political parties and length of time in the House, hereby resolves as follows: 
“That, we are resolutely committed to ensuring the success of the 10th Assembly and prioritisation of national interest above personal and partisan considerations. 
“That, we will work assiduously for passage of laws and motions, which will engender good governance, accelerate national development and promote prosperity of Nigerians. 
“That, in view of the foregoing, we have unanimously resolved to unreservedly support decision of the ruling party, regarding zoning of offices specific to the 10th House of Representatives. 
“That, we are in full support of the decision of the Minority Parties Forum to endorse Tajudeen Abbas and Benjamin Kalu for Speaker and Deputy Speaker r of the 10th House of Representatives.  
“That, considering their pedigree, experience and nationalistic dispositions, the emergence of the duo will produce a balanced, focused, stable and an inclusive House, which will discharge its primary functions with distinction and serve the interests of the generality of Nigerians.” 

10th NASS Leadership: Northerners reject zoning, says legislature should choose their leaders.

HOWEVER, northerners under the auspices of Democratic Initiative Watch have advocated independent leadership of the two chambers of the National Assembly.

Spokesperson for Northern Elders’ Forum (NEF), Dr. Hakeem Baba-Ahmed, said imposition of leadership endangers democracy.

The guest speaker stressed that northerners have done their bit by voting credible leaders.

He said: “We have the right to demand what we want from the person whom we sacrifice our all for by voting him into power. Any position that is below the garnered votes from the North will not be accepted.
“We fought and said no northerner should aspire because we said it’s time for a southern presidency.
“The best thing is to respect the independence of the legislature and allow members to choose their leaders.”


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