Organisations launch initiative to echo environmental challenges in schools

The threat of plastic wastes is becoming alarming in Nigeria

To raise awareness on environmental issues among young people in Nigeria, Green Hub Africa Foundation has partnered with IHS Nigeria to roll out a new edition of its schools’ outreach across the federation.

The initiative, Eco-Action Project (EAP 1.0), has been designed to highlight global environmental challenges and explore more sustainable approaches to mitigate them. It is focusing on young people in 18 junior secondary schools nationwide. The foundation’s founder, Henry Bassey, said that the project is built around the Climate Action Super Heroes’ (CA Initiative SH) environmental syllabus, adding: “The initiative is a proprietary tool of Green Hub Africa Foundation, designed with localised avatars to infuse entertainment into environmental education.” The unveiling holds on June 6 during the World Environment Day (WED) celebration, a yearly flagship programme, organised by the foundation, in collaboration with the United Nations at the United Nations Information Centre, Abuja. Bassey said the event would involve dignitaries and keynote speakers, who would participate in high-level panels and fireside chats, supported by IHS Nigeria, Oando Foundation and Nigerian Environmental Society (NES), among others. He added that deliberations with state coordinators and field facilitators that would be deployed for project implementation in participating schools are in progress. “The preliminary phase of the project will officially commence in June, with an inception meeting, involving participation of all relevant stakeholders, while the schools’ outreach programme is to end at tail of first term of the 2023/2024 academic session,” Bassey explained.
