Organizers pick July 22 for 2023 D’CEM Awards

Come July 22, 2023, D’CEM Awards will honour top dignitaries, showbiz stars, political stalwart, business mogul and top personalities who have contributed immensely to the growth and development of the society.

The event has continuously ignite nostalgia and applause from the attendees and online audience over the recognition of the entertainment colleagues and other great icons for their influence and remarkable feat in their respective industry and society at large.

Chief Executive Officer, Debby Classique Entertainment Magazine, the organizer of D’CEM Awards, Debby Goodnews Silas, said: “D’CEM Awards is using this medium to invite everyone to yet another notable all-star award event set to host in Atlanta Georgia USA, on July 22, 2023.

“Nominations are strategically coordinated as D’CEM Awards night is always spectacular with suspense, and rib-cracking interludes to flow with the trending music.”

She also said: “The event is made radiant with glamour, elegant fashions, panache, and class, as well as the hype and excitement in the eyes of the awardees. Sweet is the enthusiasm of the audience as they cheer the nominees. It is indeed a beautiful sight to witness.”

The guest and nominees often grace the award night with premium vibes, sleek moves, and all shades of elegant styles.

Some of the personalities expected to grace the most anticipating event includes notable celebrity Africans, Americans Caribbeans, Icons in the entertainment industry and more, captains of industries, Men and women of influence and affluence as well as many philanthropists and humanitarians.
